TODN Bulletin Board

Members of TODN may post notices below that will be of interest to potential clients and/or to other members of the community.  Examples of appropriate events include special promotions, book or article publications, workshops, presentations, or special programs.

  • 06/26/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Courage to Trust
    "The world is a match for us – we are a match for the world”
     – Joseph Campbell (bring your own coffee & snacks)

     After the explosion of the first Hydrogen Bomb, Carl Jung was asked “Is there hope for the world?”  He answered, “There is hope – if enough people do their work – their inner work.”  In claiming our personal authority, being willing to accept and embrace a future without guarantees, we can summon the courage to create and make a difference whether it be in small acts or on a larger scale.   
    This session will include experiential exercises and group discussions on how doing our inner work is integral to navigating the challenges we are currently facing.
    •    How can we develop that feeling of Trust in ourselves, our instincts, intuition and develop courage to be creative in adapting?  
    •    How does our inner work help in creating healthier relationships, communities, organizations, and impact society?    

    Drawing from the work of Rollo May, (The Courage to Create) Carl Jung & Depth Psychology, we will explore how our inner journey plays an important role in healing the outer world.

         Peter Metzner, MA, MPA, PCC, BCC is president of Dynamic Change, Inc. In addition to Leadership and Team Coaching, Peter facilities seminars on Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence and Peak Performance. He incorporates guided visualization and dream work in many of his programs. Peter regularly facilitates seminars at UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University Medical Center.
         He has researched and studied stress, mindfulness, meditation, visualization, synchronicities and dreams through the Journey Through Wholeness, Triangle Jung Society, Rhine Research Center, Robert Johnson, and others. Peter has given key-note presentations and workshops to the National Wellness Institute, Center for Creative Leadership, the Georgia Southern University Staff Council, and for global and regional ICF conferences.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 05/29/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Five Steps to Shift Your Perspective When Dealing with Uncertainties  (Bring Your Own Coffee/tea/snacks) 
    Are you being confronted with an unexpected change, a complex situation, or a task that seems to be over your head? Are you reacting either
           - with anxiety and stress
           - or denial and procrastination?
    These versions of fight or flight protect us but they leave us stuck and overwhelmed.
    These versions of fight or flight protect us but they leave us stuck and overwhelmed.

    There is another way to look at it. We can see our reaction to such challenging situations as a resource. This shift in perspective is not only helpful for our psychological safety, it also is a precondition to thinking clearly and letting new solutions emerge and forward steps appear. We will experience five steps of my recently developed tool “Thetaland™ – The Game of Inquiry“ in order to bring about such a shift of perspective.   

    Dr. Evelyn Fendler-Lee, Organizational Psychologist, certified counsellor and Focusing-trainer; Evelyn brings 20 years of experience in leading R&D functions as a material scientist; as associate lecturer, she taught university courses in social competence for 9 years. Since 2009, she has been a self-employed coach and trainer for personal, professional and leadership development; she facilitates innovative teams engaged in strategy, collaborative decision making, concept creation, knowledge transfer; she teaches Thinking at the Edge (TAE) internationally and is applying TAE for teamwork and leadership.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573).

  • 04/24/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Ditch the Drama on Teams with Strengths Intelligence

    It is easy for any of us to get triggered and fall into a self-created drama when working with other brilliant, strong team members. We all know that we get better results from collaborating, so how do we apply what we know about our own strengths and the strengths of others to create the culture and results we like to live? We will look at the surprising link between our natural strengths and our triggers, as well as the three common landing places for drama in the Toxic Triangle. We will also explore how to break that cycle and take ourselves and our teams into greater interdependence.  

    Teri Johnson is a workplace consultant, speaker, author and executive coach who serves senior leaders and their teams. She uses strengths-based leadership development to create cultural shifts that allow people to flourish at work and at home. Research shows that trust, performance, engagement and innovation all rise in a coaching culture where people understand the language of strengths. Teri holds certifications in Strengths Strategies, Legacy Leadership, Team Coaching, People Acuity Guide, and is ICF certified at the PCC level. She hosts a weekly webcast called ManagerMondays along with 4 other global coaches and authored her first book, A Map For Joy, in 2004. Founder, CEO, Personal Best Partners, LLC.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573).

  • 03/27/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Feeding Your Brain for a Change - 2020 UPDATE

    It has been a year since we last discussed feeding the brain for a change. 
    So . . . What’s up? What’s new? What have we all learned, experienced, and discovered?

    Your guides, resources gatherers, and presenters for the meeting will be: Hope HillsMarguerite LawnMary Charles Blakebrough and Mindy Schrager.

    The four presenters will share information and updates from some of the latest books, podcasts, research, resources regarding ways to nurture the brain and body to maintain and improve health and brain function.  There will be several new twists as there are major updates in brain nutrition and integrated health care.

    Some books/topics on the sharing list are:

    • ML: There is increasing recognition that diet and meal timing play a critical role in lifespan, healthspan and brain functioning.  Two authors, Dr. Jason Fung, MD, and Dr. Valter Longo, PhD, have researched the underlying mechanisms behind diet, disease and longevity.  We will review current data.
    • MS: Neurographica is an artistic approach to transforming ourselves and the world. This special drawing technique helps to link our conscience with sub-conscious by activating connections between our brain cells – neurons - thus offering the key to infinite source of energy available through our brains.
    • MCB: The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness (Updated & Expanded) by Dr. Bradley Nelson – how an emotion chart, two process flowcharts, emotion definitions, and a refrigerator magnet can turn your life around. 
    • HH: Brain and body are one. To utilize all the brain offers we need a body with great circulation, good blood pressure that is detoxified, pain free and un-inflamed.  These are just a few of the things that are research-backed and achieved when a FAR Infrared Sauna is used regularly. Hope will share the science on both dry saunas and infrared technology and bring an infrared lamp to demonstrate.

    In addition, if you have stirred up any brain-healthy snacks and treats, feel free bring them to share at the meeting, along with recipes, contact info, and resources you value for our 'send out afterwards' email.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573).

  • 02/28/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    RESILIENCE: Resources to Bend not Break, Coping and Creating with Change (Coffee/tea/snacks)

          Just enough heat... can bend steel, not enough heat... resistance and struggle occurs, too much heat... and integrity is lost. How often are we subject to forcing shapes unreachable simply because the conditions are not ripe enough? How often do we subject others and ourselves to unripe or too ripe conditions only to be disappointed or overwhelmed by outcomes?
         Pressure changes everything. In a snap, a trigger event like death, divorce, merger, retirement or illness can alter your path forever. Equally, pressure overtime creates stress, which can alter your experience of mental, emotional and physical health, and undermine your sense of well-being and access to resiliency and effectiveness.     
         In this lively and informative interactive presentation, you'll learn to recognize the ripeness of enough, build resilience to bend not break, and work with the chaos of change that life brings.

         Annelies M Gentile, MA, PCC, is a speaker, author, Integrative Life and Leadership Coach with graduate studies in creativity, conflict transformation, peace building, and transformative leadership in Europe and the US.
         From Broadway to blacksmithing to divorce, death and Dubai, Annelies is no stranger to change. A thought leader with a presence-based approach to coaching— Annelies helps professionals navigate change, mindfully, creatively and successfully. Having traveled in 22 countries and 47 US states, Annelies discovered that most people want the same three things: to be heard, to feel safe, and to hold a sense of belonging. How we get there is what triggers conflict, separation and discord. She says "getting comfortable with what’s uncomfortable is important and matters to all of us."
         No matter whom she serves, Annelies believes the secret to success is compassion. Learn more about Annelies and her new book From Chaos to Calm :: Leading Change from the Inside Out at her website

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573).

  • 01/24/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    How Comfortable Are You With Uncertainty? Two Models/Methods from HSD for Seeing AND Doing

    How comfortable are you with uncertainty? Perhaps you are fine with surprises in some parts of your life but less so at other times - for instance, you may find it easy to rapidly shift things to accept a last minute dinner invite with a dear friend when your calendar is flexible, but when a long-awaited trip is threatened by a nasty weather forecast, you may have less tolerance.

    There are times when uncertainty is the very thing we need. Falling in and staying in love can be uncertain, yet could be a life-fulfilling adventure. Sports events draw huge crowds because rivalries thrive on the thrill of an unknown outcome – anything can happen on any given day. The creative process is uncertain. Life is uncertain.

    This session will introduce the ways to understand uncertainty and the opportunities that it brings. I will introduce two models and methods (for seeing AND doing) that are as simple as they are powerful, drawn from Human Systems Dynamics (HSD), a field of research and practice that emerges at the intersection of complexity and social sciences.

    Mary Nations helps organizations and the people in them become more adaptable and effective in changing environments. Foundational to her work is Human Systems Dynamics - the field of study that addresses the questions of how people work and play effectively in complex times. She is a Consulting Associate of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute ( In this role, she teaches, consults, and coaches. Her interests include exploring resilience that it is essential for health, well-being, and opportunity in our networked, inter-connected lives; and helping individuals and groups develop the capacity to adapt in the midst of tension caused by differences - to create worthy options and possibilities for going forward together.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573).

  • 12/06/2019 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Big 2019 AH-HA for You? 19th Annual Tips & Tricks Exchange  (Coffee/tea/snacks) 
    This is our annual SIG Holiday TIPS & TRICKS EXCHANGE. It is a
     joint Nov/Dec meeting and the agenda is one that we have had for 19 years. We gather to share something that has impacted us either professionally or personally during 2019. 

    We ask that you bring a book, a tip, a technique, a brain-friendly recipe, a picture, a poem, a great quote, or anything else that has inspired, pleased or touched you in the past year. If it has been surprisingly successful, that's even better. 

    You can share your tip or trick with the group by telling us about it and/or making copies for everyone. We've found this to be one of our best programs - always full of surprises and a real GIFT to all of us!

    NOTE: Our fifth annual after-SIG lunch will be at a nearby restaurant open for lunch. Feel free to join us (last year we went to Nantucket-Sutton Station, 5826 Fayetteville Road, Durham).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough(919-493-5424).

  • 10/25/2019 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Organizational Patterns - The Influence of Family Dynamics at Work  (Coffee/tea/snacks)
    or years, we have discussed how we inherit our physical DNA and now the world of Systemics and Epigenetics is highlighting how we inherit and are deeply, yet unconsciously influenced by our emotional DNA.  Furthermore, we bring the patterns of emotional DNA into the workplace with us influencing our sense of belonging and our connection to our work environment and goals.

    At the same time, organizations have their own set of Systemic Dynamics.  Consider how founders give birth to a business, how employees interact and fit in with their peers, and how organizations have rules and ranking.

    Learn about some dynamics and hidden systemic patterns that can influence organizational and individual effectiveness. Participate in a systemic exercise or two.  Ponder the following: 

    • Have you ever experienced a situation where a person is fired, escorted out of the building and nothing is ever said? The subsequent hire leaves quickly, the next one is asked to leave, and the position becomes difficult to fill. 
    • What about a family owned business where the children kick the parent founders out only to find that they struggle to keep the business afloat?  Or maybe the parents hang on, never allowing the children to grow the business. 
    • What happens when you work with a manager who cannot make a decision or keeps changing the rules?  How about when you have multiple options and cannot make a clear choice?

    Mindy Schrager, MBA, is an ICF ACC-credentialed coach and Founder of Systems of Change, LLC whose passion for transformational work grew out of her own personal journey. Her knowledge of change management and transformation came from her leadership roles at world class companies such as Nolan Norton & Co, Motorola, Fidelity Investments, and IBM. A series of health issues combined with 360-feedback at work, led her on an extensive personal transformation journey. These parallel paths built on her fascination with solving puzzles and identifying patterns and created her drive for collaboration, transformation and results with business teams and individuals.  
    --  Having worked with hundreds of business teams and experienced and learned a myriad of transformational tools, Mindy has become a catalyst for change. She has also seen first-hand the parallels between our personal and work lives. This parallel has been further highlighted through her extensive study of systemic constellations – we truly do bring our families to work with us.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough(919-493-5424).

  • 09/27/2019 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Change SIG: 9/27/19 - THE CIRCLE SOLUTION: Using 'Interpersonal Flexibility Circle' to Decode Mysteries of Relationships - Hope Hills, PhD (coffee/tea/snacks) 

    Hope Hills, PhD,  fell in love with Timothy Leary’s Interpersonal Circumplex from the 1950’s, as the dynamics it pictured helped her see that there is “lawfulness” to relationships. Learning it and then studying it for her dissertation helped her to become more effective with people, and then help her clients make sense of the confusing world of relationships that they faced.

    But that Circle mainly focused on problem relationships, with very little to offer about howhealthy relationships looked.  She spent two years developing the Interpersonal Flexibility Circleto use with her corporate and other clients. 

    She wanted them to use the Circle as a map to recognize the dynamics they face with the people in their lives, and then have real strategies to move to a different place on the Circle to get the outcomes they want. She also wanted to be able to use it as a base for assessing where they “hang out” so they can understand how they set up all the relationships they have, and then take their power back.

    Hope will outline the core dynamics of the Circle with actual stories of its use. You will experiment with it by mapping yourself and mapping experiences in relationships that you’d like to understand.  We will use a Simulation that Betsey Upchurch and she developed that shows how valuable the Circle is in everyday work situations. Come with questions, with examples of confusing situations such as:

    • Is there a relationship in your life that is really frustrating you? Think of one frustrating experience to map.
    • How about a relationship in your life that is truly amazing? See why by mapping a delight-full experience.
    • Think of your clients. Come with questions to consider about how to help them make sense of the relationships that get in their way.

    Dr. Hope HillsCircle Consulting Group is named after her major product: The Interpersonal Flexibility Circle (IFC). It is a small firm but has shared the power of the Circle in China, Korea, Germany, Brazil and the US through coaching, team development, organizational consulting and leadership training and development.

    • She is a licensed counseling psychologist and Board-Certified Coach.  Since 1991 she has focused on providing powerful tools that help leaders build highly successful teams and healthy organizations where people love to work. 
    • Hope has worked with Fortune 50 companies, non-profits, medium and small companies, helping leaders create transparency, excitement and an engaged workforce.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough(919-493-5424).

  • 08/23/2019 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    Engaged Workforce, Future Vision, High Performance: Mitchen Strategic Positioning SystemTM
    Come learn how MItchen uses its Strategic Positioning System TM in working with organizations to drive the following outcomes:  
    • Engaged workforce who take ownership and ensure success.
    • Future vision of the place of most potential for the organization.
    • High Performance Team as a driving toward a future vision.

    Mitchen  has a 28-year track record of working with universities, non-profits, and business to develop leaders, and strategic positioning organizations for success. Mitch will join us to share a little on the process he uses, as well as share major lessons he has learned in ensuring success in the work of change management.

    Dr. Mitchell (Mitch) B. Owen is the Chief Operating Officer of Mitchen, Inc., an innovative training and organizational development company celebrating over twenty-eight years of service to its clients.  Dr. Owen has also served as the Deputy Director for Performance and Organization Development with the North Carolina Department of Public Safety and as the Director of Personal and Organizational Development at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, N.C.  Dr. Owen is the creator of the Elusive LeadershipTM model for high performance team development and the Mitchen Organization Strategic Positioning SystemTM. Mitchen has an extensive list of clients which can be found at

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

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