TODN Bulletin Board

Members of TODN may post notices below that will be of interest to potential clients and/or to other members of the community.  Examples of appropriate events include special promotions, book or article publications, workshops, presentations, or special programs.

  • 03/25/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Feeding Your Brain for a Change - 2022 UPDATE - 9th Year (8:30-10:30AM - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

    So . . . What’s up? What’s new?  It has been a year since we last discussed feeding the brain for a change. What have we all learned, experienced, and discovered? 
    The presenters will share information and updates from some of the latest books, podcasts, research, resources regarding ways to nurture the brain and body to maintain and improve health and brain function.  There will be several new twists as there are major updates in brain nutrition and integrated health care/devices:

    Marguerite Lawn  Research on Fasting Benefits for Body and Brain 
    Fasting has been shown to boost mood, improve memory, trigger the generation of new neurons, and lower the risk of aging-related cognitive decline. Since many of us are taking more active roles in our own health care, this overview will suggest some important and credible research (awards, current literature, videos) for you to review, and perhaps incorporate, in support of your own health journey.

    Hope Hills, PhD.
     Switching to a Carnivore Diet and Measuring Results
    This “new” form of the Ketogenic Diet, cutting out all but foods from animals, may really be the oldest human diet. For two months, my husband and I have been eating only beef, fish, pork, chicken, eggs, cheese and water. Eating this way makes fasting easy, as we never get hungry between meals. To enhance our assessment of the value beyond just weight loss, we both have Oura Rings, a great multi-functional scale, and we measure our blood sugar. I will share the basics of the diet, benefits, issues, research and our results on our measures.

    Mary Charles Blakebrough – Brainfood??? Limitless, New Language, MIND Diet 
    Three ways to 'feed your brain,' no matter your age:
        --  Reading Limitless and following steps to achieving SuperBrain status by using processes & practices found in LIMITLESS Mindset, Motivation, Methods sections
        --  Learning a new language (CANVA)
        --  Using the MIND Diet (combines Mediterranean/DASH diets)

    Mindy Schrager – We Inherit More Than Physical DNA
    We inherit our emotional DNA from our ancestors up to seven generations back. That, along with our physical DNA, has an influence on our overall well-being. 
    Hear how unconscious loyalties, excluded family members, spoken or subconscious phrases we inherit from our families ('money doesn't grow on trees', 'everybody in our family does xyz'), and more, can manifest as illness within the family soul. Consider how these patterns might apply to you. The first step to change is awareness and acknowledging what is.

    NOTE 1: Our wonderful producers Debbie Morris and T White are changing missions and Richard Kurth has come to the rescue this month!!!

    -- T will still update the Google Doc agendas from California where she is on USAF Reserves orders.
    --  SO the Change SIG is now SEARCHING for SOMEONE to HELP WITH ZOOM to:
        -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details & watch Chat 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
        -- Do a 30-minute tech check 4th Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & MCB

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2022 speakers (June-July-September).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 02/25/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Stillness Speaks :: Minding the Mind through Change (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

    When conditions of change, change you, it's time to notice what you notice. The mindfulness art of noticing isn't unique to gurus and yogis. It's the learned ability to be present to what is and shift into gift mindset. Expand your toolbox and join us to explore and discuss sitting in awe and wonder, even when what is, is awful and fascinating. Expect an enlightening dose of creative process in this presentation.

    • Assess your current state of awareness
    • Learn mindfulness practices to help lean into change and manage stress associated with change
    • Determine blindspots and resistance areas to paying attention
    • Engage in creative process to heighten mindful awareness and joy

    Annelies M Gentile, MA, PCC is a Speaker, Author, Process Artist and Integrative Life and Leadership Coach with master’s degree in coaching and graduate studies in creativity, conflict transformation, peacebuilding, mindfulness and transformative leadership. In her two-decade plus career, she's served thousands of leaders, entrepreneurs, executives and budding visionaries find focus to take brave bold action in their personal and professional lives.

    From managing burnout to nurturing creativity to tending grief associated with change, she’s worked with professionals across fields of government, healthcare, law, education, non-profits, arts, tech, science and sales including IBM, GSK, SAS, NCSU, City of Raleigh, Fidelity, Baptist Medical Center, UNC-REX Healthcare, Campbell Law, NC Bar Association and more. No matter who she serves, Annelies believes the secret to success is compassion.

    NOTE 1: Our wonderful producers Debbie Morris and T White are changing missions and Richard Kurth is now back-up only.
        SO the Change SIG is now SEARCHING for a NEW PRODUCER to:
        -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
        -- Update Google doc agendas, with speaker(s) & MCB input
        -- Do a 30-minute tech check 4th Monday or Tuesday,
     with speaker(s) & MCB

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2022 speakers (April, June-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 01/28/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    Becoming a Change Superhero: Using a Transcendent Mindset to Make Big Change in a Single Bound
    (8:30-10:30 - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks).

    Change is the name of this SIG and the essence of the game of life.  While change is normal and unavoidable, we often experience it when we have a major problem or experience a crisis.  We credit change with impacting our lives, redirecting our careers, and stimulating our personal development. 

    • What if we believed change to be more than the result of a problem or crisis? 
    • What if change was conceptualized as a tool that we use to realize our dreams and build our futures? 

    In this presentation, Susan Westbrook will engage the group in a conversation about three change mindsets and the potential benefits a transcendent mindset can bring individuals, relationships, and organizations.


    Susan L. Westbrook, PCC, Ph.D. spent 3 decades in education before moving her focus to healing, coaching, and writing.  She is the author of The Five Tibetans Yoga Workshop: Tone Your Body and Transform Your Life (Findhorn Press 2014).  Her current manuscript, Who’s Coaching Michelangelo?: Inspiring a Creator’s Mindset in Your World-Shaping Clients, will be book-ready in 2022.

    Susan’s number one agenda is to influence creators, game-changers, and world-shifters by helping them transcend their circumstances and move boldly toward their dreams.  She knows that for action-oriented big thinkers, the greatest "problem" is finding allies who will take them seriously and stop advising them to be more realistic.

    Big dreams require big containers of support and creative partnership. That is what Susan offers her clients, workshop participants, and readers.

    Susan’s journey as a teacher, researcher, coach, healer, and author, have helped her learn three important lessons:

        1. It's all made up, and I am the one making it up.
        2. Attachments are under almost every action, belief, and emotion.
        3. I create my own reality.

    Learning those lessons has allowed Susan to transcend the “must's, should's, and have to's,” avoid the “perpetual transformation” trap, and create a life that moves her toward her dreams. She currently fancies herself a “quick change” artist. Knowing that “things” don’t have to take time…people take time when they are reluctant to listen to their truest inner voices and step boldly toward their dreams.

    ·      What if it really is all made up? 
    ·      What if you really can and do create your reality?
    ·      What would you dare to dream to create?

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2022 speakers.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour

  • 12/03/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Big 2021 AH-HA for You? 21st Annual Tips & Tricks Exchange  (8:30-10:30 - Bring your own coffee/tea/snacks) 
    NOTE: Gifting will be by Google SLIDES again - instructions & LINK coming mid-December.

    This is our annual SIG Holiday TIPS & TRICKS EXCHANGE. It is a joint Nov/Dec meeting and the agenda is one that we have had for 20 years. We gather to share something that has impacted us either professionally or personally during 2021. 

    You 'gift' us by sharing a book, a tip, a technique, a brain-friendly recipe, a picture, a poem, a great quote, or anything else that has inspired, pleased or touched you in the past year. If it has been surprisingly successful, that's even better.

    NOTE: 2021 Tips or Tricks will be shared with the group over ZOOM. For some Zoom clues:
     Getting Friendly with Zoom

    To enable our sharing in this virtual meeting, we'll create a document in Google Slides, where you can add links, pictures, or text on your own slide.

    NOTE 1: Be sure to add your contact information, as it's our way of exchanging business cards.
    NOTE 2: Sign up, even if you have a conflict, so you can add your GIFT this year and be able to view other gifts later.

    We can then share these slides in the meeting, one by one, giving each person a few minutes to say something they are grateful for in 2021, and then explain their gift as we go around the virtual room. 

    At the end, we'll have a super cool artifact for ourselves and to share with anyone who couldn't be with us in real time.

    If you're new to Google Slides, it's just like PowerPoint, only simpler. There will be instructions that will guide you through the process of creating a slide for your gift in the Gift Exchange document.  

    NOTE: If this process creates a barrier to your participation, don't sweat it!

    • You can send your responses to T White on email at and she will create your slide for you
    • Or you can share your screen during the Change SIG and show us whatever you like as your gift.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573 or

  • 10/22/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    How Can Teams Work Better? Applied Improv: 'Yes and', Agreement and Collaboration
    (8:30-10:30 - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks).

    Improv is an inherently collaborative art form; improvisers typically work in teams. Conceptually and practically, improv lends itself to considering what is possible when people work together on a team.

    In a supportive and fun environment, we will apply to the act of collaboration a fundamental principle of improv, “yes and” (accepting an idea and building on it). Participants will be asked to engage in activities where they will have the opportunity to practice working together using the concept of “yes and”.

    A workshop on “applied improv” can evoke skepticism or just seem downright scary to potential participants. Here are some questions I frequently get:

        Am I going to be “doing improv”? No. You will be engaged in paired or grouped activities that apply the concept we are working on so that participants may get to practice it.

        What if I do it “wrong”? You can’t. There are no “mistakes” in improv or applied improv.

        Don’t I have to be funny or witty to do this? No. The capacity to be present and put your attention on the person or people you are working with is among the most important skills an improviser can have.

        Do I need previous improv experience?No

        Why should I do this? Because it’s fun. And you will walk away with techniques that will expand and enhance your capacity to collaborate harmoniously, efficiently and successfully.

    If you have further questions prior to the workshop, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d be delighted to hear from you. You can reach me at


    Regina Bartolone, Ph.D., CALC, ACC, Leadership Coach at Bartolone Coaching

    Regina is an International Coach Federation (ICF) - credentialed leadership coach.  She works with organizations to build resourceful, innovative, robust teams  through a unique blend of coaching and applied improv.  

    When working individually with leaders, Regina helps them discover different  approaches and fresh perspectives to navigating the unique issues they encounter  through active listening, thought-provoking questions and direct feedback.  

    Prior to becoming a leadership coach, Regina pursued careers in academia, then  in research development at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is an improvisational actor and is a long-time practitioner of meditation.

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2022 speakers.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 09/24/2021 9:56 PM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Race Matters: Courageous Conversations 
    (8:30-10:30 - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks).

    Are you struggling to know what to say to your team on the topics of race, diversity, ethnicity, and equity? Do you find yourself paralyzed by the subject of racism?

    If you’re unsure of what to say, what questions to ask, and how to listen better as a leader and an ally, join Mike Brown & Asila Calhoun for the TODN Change SIG, where you'll learn techniques for having better conversations with your employees, peers, clients, and more. 

    In this interactive session, you will lean into the vulnerability required to get comfortable with discomfort in a safe and collaborative environment.

    We look forward to being together and learning from one another.

    --- The Change SIG is continuing our addition of a charity selected by the speakers on racism, diversity, ethnicity, and equity, as a way you can appreciate speakers affected by one or more of those issues. This month Mike Brown and Asila Calhoun both enthusiastically chose Ron Brown Scholars Program.
    --- When I went out to their website and read about some of the Scholars, I was amazed at what this program is accomplishing. You might want to read about Playwright Katori Hall (RBS 1999) Featured on NPR if you are a woman, a writer/playwriter, or a Tina Turner fan.
    --- Please consider a donation to Ron Brown Scholars Program to appreciate Asila Calhoun and Mike Brown for the work they are doing in creating space for us and so many others to have more courageous conversations.
    --- If you haven’t already appreciated last month's SIG program, you may want to donate to Micah J. Wonjoon Jessel’s gofundme for adding new scenarios to his Empathable free demo.


    Together, Mike Brown and Asila Calhoun have many years of experience in Human Resources; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Leadership Development; and Leadership Coaching.

    Their mutual respect for one another and their experience of collaborating on a shared vision drew them to create this workshop.  Asila and Mike’s ability to connect and build rapport with others creates a psychologically safe environment where leaders open up and comfortably share their experiences. Their ability to see people as individuals and meet them where they are accelerates growth and learning.  Their commitment to cultivating leaders who effectively communicate and create diverse, equitable, and inclusive teams is the foundation for this workshop.

    Mike is a leadership and certified career coach with a passion for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. He is a versatile, collaborative, results-driven coach known for building relationships and his straight-talk approach. He has successfully coached leaders from the C-Suite and Global Sales Executives to new managers.

    Asila is an ICF credentialed leadership coach and a certified inclusion coach (CIC) whose business and executive coaching practice focuses on partnering with new leaders, emerging leaders, and executives who are ready for change. She has a direct yet supportive style that facilitates self-discovery and growth in her clients. She is recognized as a coach who deeply listens to what her clients say - and do not say, inquiring about what she’s sensing while offering a different perspective.

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2022 speakers.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 09/24/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Race Matters:  Courageous Conversations (8:30-10:30 - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks).

    Are you struggling to know what to say to your team on the topics of race, diversity, ethnicity, and equity? Do you find yourself paralyzed by the subject of racism?

    If you’re unsure of what to say, what questions to ask, and how to listen better as a leader and an ally, join Mike Brown & Asila Calhoun for the TODN Change SIG, where you'll learn techniques for having better conversations with your employees, peers, clients, and more. 

    In this interactive session, you will lean into the vulnerability required to get comfortable with discomfort in a safe and collaborative environment.

    We look forward to being together and learning from one another.

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2021 speakers (July-August & October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 08/27/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    How we can make radical change, without changing the radicals

    Facilitated by Micah J. Kessel & Kate Scott

    (8:30-10:30 AM - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks).

    A revolutionary take on how to approach organizational DEI, called ‘Two In The Room’

    We are at a time of history when we are told that to move forward, we must bring the two most extreme edges together, pulling them towards the middle through dialogue.

    That when dialogue meets in the middle, and the ends of the political spectrum listen to each other, depolarization will occur.

    In reality, we haven’t seen that happen. In fact, we see it only polarizes us further.

    But what about the middle that already exists? Those who, in their hearts, want inclusion and belonging for all. They just don’t know how to make it happen.

    Our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders have done everything they could to give the middle that knowledge, through facts, statistics, and exercises.

    But when we asked more than 100 DEI directors in organizations across the country what their biggest challenge is, we consistently hear that after all of those trainings, they’re not seeing people apply that knowledge in their teams and communities.

    And so by looking at our nation’s complicated strategy in defeating racism, speaking with the brightest researchers on bias, and the science of emotions, we came up with a clear starting point for change. This starting point is actionable, can change lives, and can be represented in one powerful easy to remember phrase:

    TWO IN THE ROOM. Specifically, two people in every room who are comfortable and willing to speak up for the rights of others.

    Two in the Room is the basis for our theory of change — we can make radical change without needing to change the radicals.

    NOTE: After being amazed by Micah’s ‘radical change’ article on LinkedIn, Kate and I wondered if he might possibly share those concepts with the Change SIG. Micah is leading our program as a gift, though he normally receives $1,250 for such a session. If you are inspired by the work he is doing and want to support him, you can contribute to his GoFundMe which goes toward expanding the Playground of Empathy’s library of immersive stories so people can experience more TWO IN A ROOMs here: You can also learn more about it in an upcoming virtual free session. Register here:  Contact — WALK in My Shoes ( Kate and Mary Charles will be attending the Aug 13th session.


    Micah J. Wonjoon Kessel is Executive Director of Playground of Empathy and Emotions Centered Design Lead at the Interdisciplinary Affective Science Lab at Northeastern University. As a designer, Micah works at the intersection of emotions research, immersive experience, and the study of performance culture, with a focus on bridging the equality of human flourishing across difference. As a young adult, Micah performed at the Metropolitan Opera, then focused his masters on human centered design at the Royal Academy of Art in Belgium. He founded the immersive design bureau, Sherlocked Amsterdam, the world’s top rated escape games according to TripAdvisor. 

    Pioneering behavioral design in the Netherlands, Micah collaborated on concepts with Google, Disney, and the Diabetes Fund, then left to co-found Playground of Empathy.  

    • Playground’s Walk in My Shoes Experience, now called Empathable, was designed in collaboration with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, president of the Association for Psychological Sciences, who has revolutionized the world’s understanding of how and why the brain creates emotions. Micah has presented his work at the Society for Neuroscience and Creativity, the Spectrum conference for founders of color, was a SOCAP scholar, and a Byron Fellow. 

    • Under his direction, Playground’s team was a winner of the Harvard Culture Lab Innovation Fund Award in 2020, granted by their joint council of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, and has since shared the Walk in My Shoes Experience with over 50 organizations, including the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education Conference, the Black in Design Conference, and The Boston Museum of Science. 

    As of recently, Micah is receiving advice from Dr. Mahzarin Banaji’s lab, OHM at Harvard. Dr. Banaji is the psychologist known for popularizing the concept of implicit bias.

    Kate Scott is an organizational and leadership development expert with over 20 years of Human Resources experience, mostly in the tech industry. Throughout her career, Kate has successfully led organization-wide transformation efforts and has expertise in the areas of organizational change, talent selection and development, and people strategy. 

    She played an instrumental role in establishing a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program for PTC, a global software company, and is passionate about creating more equitable and inclusive work environments.

    Kate has a Masters Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and recently completed her Masters of Business Administration, with a special emphasis on strategy and entrepreneurship. Connect with Kate at and @KateScott4 on Twitter.

    NOTE 1: SUMMER HELP NEEDED (8/27): Are you good at producing a Zoom program (i.e., 'behind the scenes' work) - the things our wonderful producer Debbie Morris usually does? Contact Mary Charles 919-656-9573 -- Debbie will be away for July & August, returning for our September program

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for October and 2022 speakers.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 07/23/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    SURPRISE: Two Free Hours to Think, Play, Create AND . . .
    Whatever you want
    Wherever you are
    8:30-10:30 am, Friday, July 23

    Between July 23 & 31, please send us
    ONE or more IDEAs
    for Change SIG PROGRAMs
    -- Topics
    -- Themes
    -- Panels
    -- Speakers

    August 27th
    How we can make radical change, without changing the radicals
    Micah J. Kessel, Playground of Empathy
    Kate Scott, Cisco Strategy and Planning

    September 24th
    Race Matters: Courageous Conversations
    Mike Brown, Silver Eagle Group
    Asila Calhoun, Calhoun Coaching and Consulting

    NOTE 1: SUMMER HELP NEEDED (8/27): Are you good at producing a Zoom program (i.e., 'behind the scenes' work):  - the things our wonderful producer Debbie Morris usually does? Contact Mary Charles 919-656-9573 -- Debbie is away for July & August, returning for our September program

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for October and 2022 speakers.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour

  • 06/25/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    What's Age Got To Do With It?
    A Field Guide To "More Experienced" Professional Help

    .Facilitated by Julie Mitchell, MA
    (8:30-10:30 AM - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks).

    Based on recent data from interviews with TODN members and other midcareer professionals ages 32-50, Julie has updated a program she first presented 25 years ago on coach/client fit. Join us as we explore work-related helping relationships, focusing on if, and when, the client or consultant's age, career stage, or specific qualifications are significant. We'll dive into subjective criteria, too, including how perceptions of "wisdom" and "experience" on both sides may or may not result in a good match.

    In this participative program we will focus on characteristics of high value interpersonal relationships from both sides: The guide or advisor, and a person screening or hiring help for self (or on behalf of others). Julie will summarize research findings and share her interviewees' stories of amazing successes and disappointing failures.

    Following this session you should have a deeper, more nuanced understanding of what to consider when seeking potential helpers or facilitating good fit with prospective clients. Age and wisdom do make a difference in some cases, saving time, money, and careers... yet, there are notable exceptions!

    ABOUT THE FACILITATOR: Julie Mitchell, founder of CoachWalks®, has 34 years' experience hiring just right (and two very wrong) helpers to support her evolving work as a learner-teacher, organizational change consultant, retreat facilitator, communication and presentation skills expert and pioneer in the "walking meetings" movement.

    Julie is a lifelong learner who counts on trustworthy guidance. The first seasoned consultant she hired helped Julie survive the early years of self-employment. Julie continued hiring "older and wiser" advisors for support at critical times, discovering "younger and smarter" was a better fit in some situations. Locally, Julie has happily paid six professionals of various ages for support. She met three of them through TODN.

    Julie was asked to coach her first executive client in 1987, when she was only 28. He was 46, recently promoted into a leadership role at a Fortune 500 company. Since then, she has served over 1200 individual clients, from a 16-year-old high school student activist to a candidate running for office for the first time at age 82.

    For more about Julie visit her LinkedIn profile:

    NOTE 1: HELP NEEDED: Are you good at producing a Zoom program (i.e., 'behind the scenes' work: setting up production agenda, leading run-through  in week of Change SIG, guiding, timing, turning slides - the things our wonderful producer Debbie Morris usually does? Contact Mary Charles 919-656-9573
    Debbie will be away for July and August, returning for our September program

    NOTE 2: Change SIG BACK on regular 4th FRIDAY as Southwest moved flight departure over an hour later. 
    NOTE 3: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2021 speakers (July-August-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

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