TODN Bulletin Board

Members of TODN may post notices below that will be of interest to potential clients and/or to other members of the community.  Examples of appropriate events include special promotions, book or article publications, workshops, presentations, or special programs.

  • 02/24/2023 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    The Change Manager as Gardener: Leveraging the Four Force Framework
    (8:30-10:30 - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

    The management guru, Peter Drucker, famously said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Evidence bears this out. According to a recent study by the consulting firm BCG, 75% of transformation efforts don’t deliver the hoped-for results. And a 2018 Corporate Longevity Forecast conducted by Innosight showed that the length of time S&P 500 companies stayed on the list had shrunk from 33 years in 1964 to 24 by 2016, likely dropping to 12 years in 2027.

    Given the outsize role of culture, how can change managers harness it to drive successful change? In this interactive session, participants will delve beneath the surface of culture by examining the four forces framework of cultural change. We will explore how the four cultural forces—habit, vision, interest, and innovation—act as drivers of change, and how they interact to either support or impede change efforts. Using case studies, we will then apply the four forces framework in practice, and reflect on how we might incorporate it into our change management toolkits.

    A broader aim of the workshop is to develop the metaphor of the change manager as a gardener. As a gardener, the change manager must adapt to changing conditions, keeping an eye on the future, nurturing employee needs for growth, cultivating productive habits, and using a healthy dose of sunlight to spur innovation.

    Suggested Pre-Work: Journal of Business Anthropology article by Matthew J Hill and Mario Moussa, Organizing Cultural Change: Leveraging the Four Forces Framework. (Dec. 15, 2022)

    Matthew J. Hill, PhD  

    Matthew J. Hill, Principal of Matthew J Hill Consulting, is a well-published academic, experienced business anthropologist, and executive consultant.

    He advises senior leaders on a wide range of issues. Areas include organizing change campaigns, improving operational processes, developing impactful strategies, and building high performing teams.

    Matthew employs cutting-edge ethnographic research methods and participant observation to help leaders gain deeper insights into their organization’s cultural dynamics. He taps into people’s interests and passions, harnessing them to drive successful organizational campaigns. An expert in cultural change initiatives, Matthew also facilitates Action Learning Projects where teams collectively research troublesome operational processes, identify the underlying causes and generate solutions to solve them.

    Matthew has published widely on business and organizational issues in leading business journals and executive forums. Recent articles include Organizing Cultural Change: Leveraging the Four Forces Framework in the Journal of Business Anthropology and Pathways to Digital Transformation CU Management, and an article on cooperative entrepreneurship for the Kauffmann Foundation.

    Connect with Matthew on LinkedIn:

    NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable

    people to produce our programs on a ROTATING BASIS.
    NEWS: Only to-do's for each Change SIG NOW are Tech Check & Zoom Host
    -- Do a 45-minute Tech Check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

      -- Handle 4th (or 5th) Friday Zoom details, 8:00 -10:45 AM Eastern

    Many thanks to  DEBBIE MORRIS  who will be our February 24th Zoom Host!

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2023 speakers (March, June-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 01/27/2023 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    TODN Change SIG: 1/27/22 - Creative Consensus in Decision Making - Martie Weatherly

    (8:30-10:30 - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

    Creative consensus is the best way to achieve high commitment decisions, in complex situations that require creative thinking and have 100% commitment to implement the decision. It is a process of discovery to combine the wisdom of the group for the best possible decision for the whole group at that time.

    Martie will introduce us to this form of decision making, will review what consensus is and is not, and the three main skills that are needed. We will have a chance to role play making a decision together using this model.

    • When is consensus the right type of decision making for this issue and this group?
    • What is the most important belief that everyone must bring into the room for consensus to work?
    • What is the value of dissent in a consensus discussion

    Martie Weatherly  

    Martie Weatherly has been a life and consensus coach for over 20 years.  Her passions are health, well-being, vitality, and community. Recently retired after 20 years as a hospital supervisor, Martie is focusing on sharing the magic of consensus in moving from a You vs. Me World to a We World.

    She is now bringing her knowledge to groups who want high quality decisions with increased trust, faster execution, and higher commitment. Since becoming a founding member of Liberty Village Cohousing, she has successfully used consensus and facilitation to help build their community to where it is today.

    NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a ROTATING BASIS:
         -- Review the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
         -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
         -- Do a 45-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

         -- Many thanks to ______ who will be our January 27th Zoom Host!

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2023 speakers (March-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 12/02/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Big 2022 AH-HA for You? 22nd Annual Tips & Tricks Exchange

     (8:30-10:30 - Bring your own coffee/tea/snacks) 

    --- those already registered, look for your link in a separate email.

    This is our annual SIG Holiday TIPS & TRICKS EXCHANGE. It is a joint Nov/Dec meeting and the agenda is one that we have had for 22 years. We gather to share something that has impacted us either professionally or personally during 2022. 

    You 'gift' us by sharing a book, a tip, a technique, a brain-friendly recipe, a picture, a poem, a great quote, or anything else that has inspired, pleased or touched you in the past year. If it has been surprisingly successful, that's even better.

    NOTE: 2022 Tips or Tricks will be shared with the group over ZOOM. For some Zoom clues:
     Getting Friendly with Zoom

    To enable our sharing in this virtual meeting, we have created a document in Google Slides, where you can add links, pictures, or text on your own slide. Your REGISTRATION confirmation email contains the document link.

    NOTE 1: Be sure to add your contact information, as it's our way of exchanging business cards.
    NOTE 2: Sign up, even if you have a conflict, so you can add your GIFT this year and be able to view other gifts later.

    We can then share these slides in the meeting, one by one, giving each person a few minutes to say something they are grateful for in 2022, and then explain their gift as we go around the virtual room. 

    At the end, we'll have a super cool artifact for ourselves and to share with anyone who couldn't be with us in real time.

    If you're new to Google Slides, it's just like PowerPoint, only simpler. There are instructions that will guide you through the process of creating a slide for your gift in the Tips & Tricks Exchange confirmation email when you REGISTER or get your ZOOM LINK email.

    NOTE: If this process creates a barrier to your participation, don't sweat it!

    • You can send your responses to Mary Charles Blakebrough on email at and she will create your slide for you
    • Or you can share your screen during the Change SIG and show us whatever you like as your gift.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573 or or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 10/28/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Quantum Collaboration: Consciously Co-Creating Change
     (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

    Today’s change agents are encountering an increasing number of challenges to effect change. One prominent challenge is the growing sense of separation amongst individuals, leaders, and organizations, even though there are frequent calls for more connection. What can we do differently to foster more connection and help co-create the changes that humanity needs? 

    In this interactive workshop, we will explore how you can expand your ability to co-create change by consciously operating with one foot in our 3D reality and the other in the quantum field. Debbie and Harper have built a model that outlines how to more effectively collaborate at increasing levels of complexity and will relate that model with basic concepts from the growing field of quantum mechanics. 

    • How might we invent new ways of collaborating in organizations? 
    • What could it look like if organizations intentionally identified, developed, and sustained collaborative processes?
    • How might change agents more consciously operate in both the 3D and quantum worlds?
    This session weaves together themes from various practices into a few simple concepts that helps address what they consider to be a core competency of tomorrow’s OD practitioners: the ability to facilitate the evolution of organizations that are hardwired to co-create instead of control.

    Debbie Morris   

    Debbie Morris is an OD practitioner who has specialized in strategic planning, organization and personal change, facilitation and training. She spent her formative years at Nortel Networks and their R&D subsidiary, BNR. As an independent consultant, she enjoyed using Appreciative Inquiry and performance consulting methods to help clients plan and execute significant organizational improvements. She wrapped up her formal career as Planning Director for the NC Department of Revenue. Now Debbie offers project assistant services to other consultants, and has finally had time to work on this long-standing passion project. 

    Harper Ray Wagner   

    Harper Ray Wagner has worked as a management consultant and professional development instructor for 17 years. His expertise includes improving organizational program and project management capabilities and leading business process automation efforts. His fascination with the energetic dynamics of groups grew once he started applying the Collaborative Operating System (COS) practices in 2018. Harper now enjoys experimenting with techniques to increase group coherence while facilitating organizational change meetings. 

    -- Many thanks to Debbie (Beaufort, NC) & Harper (Croatia) who will be our October 28th Zoom Hosts, as well as our Presenters!

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 09/30/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    MINDING THE STORE:  Mindfulness Practices for the Workplace
     (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

    This organizational culture session will encourage small group discussion, collaborative problem solving, and creative presentation skills.  Participants will explore personal and professional practices to help make the world a better place for each of us, and for everyone around us, particularly in those places where we hope to work well with others.

    1. What mindfulness practices might be useful in both personal and professional settings?
    2. What are the six overarching categories of these considerations that will simplify my own practice?
    3. How does practicing these things make a difference?
    Participants will receive a downloadable daily calendar of contemplative practices for personal use.

    Greg Whitt   

    At Drum for ChangeGreg Whitt facilitates workshops and retreats designed to connect people to one another and to the world around them. He studied holistic lifestyle practices in graduate school through the Transformative Leadership and Social Change program at the Maryland University of Integrative Health. His studies focused on wisdom traditions to benefit modern society and these support his work leading experiential education programs.

    Greg creatively connects people in ways that are joyful, engaging, and good for you.  He shares hands-on philosophy about how we can live, work, and play well together in community, only it's cleverly disguised as music and delivered as interactive and engaging fun.

    NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a ROTATING BASIS:
         -- Review the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
         -- Handle 4th (or 5th) Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
         -- Do a 45-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

         -- Many thanks to Richard Kurth who will be our September 30th Zoom Host!

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2023 speakers (March-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 08/26/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Creating Relationship Awareness Through a Systemic Lens  (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

    Relationships are integral to what it means to be human. Though we sometimes think of ourselves as separate beings, we’re more connected than we are separate. In this session we’ll look at the systemic basis for understanding the space between us in relationships.

    • How balanced is the giving and receiving/taking in your relationships?
    • What is your tendency when giving to others?
    • How easy is it to receive or take from others?

    We’ll use Systemic constellations, a process for exploring hidden dynamics in family systems that encourage or disrupt connection. In a gentle, respectful way they can shed light and bring new insight that helps relationships. They can offer a new perspective on relationships – and the issues that inevitably come up between people who care about each other.

    In small group practice sessions, you’ll be invited to explore a relationship you value, and that you’d like to examine more closely. We’ll look at the balance of giving and receiving/taking, and how it affects relationships. You’ll have an opportunity to explore some of the hidden dynamics that keep issues in place, and have the chance to experiment with new ways of connecting.

    Betsy Hostetler, Ph.D.   

    Dr. Hostetler has helped leaders shift their cultures to become healthier, more robust and more customer-service oriented. Using participatory methods to bring leaders, teams and organizations together, Betsy has helped them lay the groundwork for change. Deeply trained in the systemic constellation method, a groundbreaking method to uncover the hidden dynamics that hinder progress, she has helped leaders achieve breakthroughs they didn’t think possible. She works in healthcare, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and can be reached at

    Mindy Schrager    

    Mindy Schrager is an ICF PCC credentialed coach, Integrative Coach, Systemic Facilitator, and Aura-Soma practitioner with a passion for transformational work. Her experience and transformational training has been focused on creating positive change in life and business experiences (i.e. shadow, family DNA) for herself and her clients. She loves to shine the light on hidden patterns and the root cause of dysfunction and then help you create new pathways to growth.

    NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a ROTATING BASIS:
         -- Review the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
         -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
         -- Do a 45-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

         -- Many thanks to ______ who will be our August 26th Zoom Host!

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2023 speakers (March-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 07/22/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    What is your relationship with the future?: Creating the Possible, Plausible, and Desirable Futures
    (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

    This session will explore optimizing, emergent and transformative relationships with the future. Questions to ponder:

    • Are you a rule follower? Meaning seeker? Difference maker? How do our values impact our relationship with the future?
    • How do you feel about the future? Are you optimistic? Pessimistic? Feel in control? Feel hopeful? How do we think about the future?
    • What will it take the create the futures we want?

    Futures literacy and anticipatory futures will frame the discussion

    Building on the "backwards bicycle" metaphor, we will explore how to unlearn and uplearn for a more integrated and ethical approach to the future for ourselves and our clients.

    BONUS: Watch the following video (we'll show portions of it in our session):
    [MCB: fascinating to watch how a "backwards bicycle" works & how to learn/unlearn riding it (8 min.)]


    Jayne Fleener, Ph.D. - Futurist, Professor, Educator, Connector. Jayne is a former dean and current professor at NC State University. She has been working with futurists and community leaders to develop futures literacy and social transformation for new ways of thinking. Her upcoming book Learning and leading in an age of transformation will be published in the forthcoming Living in an Age of Transformation series. She has three graduate degrees from UNC-Chapel Hill, including her doctorate in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in mathematics education

    Since 2015 when Jayne returned full-time to teaching and research, among her classes she teaches Organizational Theory that includes futuring strategies, many of which are in her Futures Learning website. She is a boundary spanner committed to working across fields for future transformation.

    NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a ROTATING BASIS:
         -- Update the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
         -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
         -- Do a 45-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

         -- Many thanks to Deb Oronzio who will be our July 22nd Zoom Host!

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2023 speakers (March-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 06/24/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Getting Back to Basics for 'New Normal' Leadership Development of Soft Skills  (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks, 8:30-10:30 AM). 

    For the last three years, leaders in organizations have been trying to simply survive . . . keeping their families together, their teams together, productively getting work done in a remote and virtual world and most importantly keeping themselves on the right track.  All of this “survival energy” has left little room for professional and leadership development.

    Now that the world has emerged with a “new normal,” it is time for organizations and their leaders to go back to leadership basics.  What does this mean? It means to go back to looking at the skills that leaders need to move ahead.  Specifically, “soft skills”
    -- Some Examples of Soft Skills.

    The above examples list is by no means exhaustive, it is simply the tip of the iceberg.  Today’s leaders are hungry for these basic skills to get them to maximize their productivity and effectiveness.

    The program is designed to be interactive, as we go back to basics and discuss what tools those attending have used, over the years in their practices, to help leaders develop and enhance their leadership soft skills. We will have several volunteers do short presentations (4 minutes each) on their favorite tools. Then, we will break into smaller groups to discuss what was presented.  The goal of these break-out groups will be to explore and discuss how these tools could be used to help today’s current leaders individually, within their teams, or with their customers. We look forward to rich discussion and take-aways that we can all use in our individual practices and beyond.

    Vickie Bevenour, MBA, PCC
    -- President and Founder of The RDW Group, Inc. "Results Derived From Within"
       - "You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself." These encouraging words from Galileo inspired and motivated her to form her own practice to begin developing her professional legacy.
       - RDW - Results Derived from Within. The name is an apt definition of her coaching style; as a Leadership Strategist, she believes that all individuals have unique gifts which they are able to leverage to achieve the incredible! The RDW Group provides Business Coaching to successful professionals who want to make a move from good performance to excellent results.
    -- Author of Unleashing Your Inner Leader: Executive Coach Tells All presents the premise that there is a powerful leader inside each of us. The focus is on real life exercises and case studies to help you discover, release, and leverage your inner leader: to reach heights in your career that you never thought possible. It is often very difficult for leaders to see their own greatness, unlock it, and use it in a practical way to get results. Be the spark that ignites your team, and steer your own development toward becoming an impactful leader with Unleashing Your Inner Leader.

    NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a ROTATING BASIS:
         -- Update the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
         -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
         -- Do a 45-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

         -- NOW, Who can do June 24th? 
    NOTE: We are experimenting this month with me Zoom hosting and others timing and Chat watching. Join the meeting to see how it works out. Feedback welcome.

    NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2023 speakers (Feb-Oct).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 05/27/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Greg Whitt IN-PERSON at Durham Piney Wood Park & TODN - stay longer - Picnic Shelter ours all day (we will be providing coffee & water - bring your own snacks (and LUNCH if staying longer) CANCELLED DUE TO STORM

    This is a thought provoking session for practitioners aimed to prompt deep thinking about their own resilience, as well as to share a metaphorical approach to resilience that may be used in your own setting. [More details to come]

      GREG WHITT, Educator & Facilitator, Drum for Change, facilitates workshops and retreats designed to connect people to one another and to the world around them. He studied holistic lifestyle practices in graduate school through the Transformative Leadership and Social Change program at the Maryland University of Integrative Health. His studies focused on wisdom traditions to benefit modern society and these support his work leading interactive and experiential education programs.

      Greg facilitates programs designed to creatively connect people in ways that are joyful, engaging, and good for you.  These programs are actually hands-on philosophy about how we can live, work, and play well together in community, only they're cleverly disguised as music, and they're delivered as interactive and engaging fun. 

      This session will encourage small group discussion, collaborative problem solving, and creative presentation skills.  The topic will explore personal and professional practices to help make the world a better place for each of us, and for everyone around us, particularly in those places where we hope to work well with others.

      NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom- comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a rotating basis:
           -- Update the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
           -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
           -- Do a 30-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

      NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2022 speakers (June - July - September).

      For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

    • 04/29/2022 1:41 PM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

      Resilience Breakthrough: 26 Years in the Making
       (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

      This is a thought provoking session for practitioners, aimed to prompt deep thinking about their own resilience, as well as to share a metaphorical approach to resilience that may be used in your own setting. Some questions being addressed:

      • Professionally, have you experienced a resilience or a creative breakthrough and, if so, what were the circumstances and outcome?
      • With respect to resilience, how can you minimize your “drains” and maximize your “boosters” to maximize your performance in your work?

      Jeannie Jones - After leaving GSK in October, 2021, Jeannie founded Rudder Consulting so that she could continue her passion independently and creatively. While her Master's degree is in Exercise Physiology, her 30+ year career in corporate health promotion has prompted her to become equally curious about the psychosocial aspects of performance and wellbeing

      NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a ROTATING BASIS:
           -- Update the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
          -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
           -- Do a 30-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles
           -- Exciting news: Mia Armstrong will be Zoom Host this month.
              Thanks, Mia, for being the first person to volunteer.
           -- NOW, Who can do June 24th?

      NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2022 speakers (June - July - September).

      For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

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