TODN Bulletin Board

Members of TODN may post notices below that will be of interest to potential clients and/or to other members of the community.  Examples of appropriate events include special promotions, book or article publications, workshops, presentations, or special programs.

  • 05/28/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Doing Nothing Well: Productivity, Efficiency, and Time Well Spent (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks).

    In a culture where high productivity and increasing efficiency are not only lauded, but expected, using our time “well” becomes imperative. Tools, tricks and hacks for getting the most out of our day abound, with professional success and social capital measured in terms of busyness. If you aren’t writing a book, marketing your side hustle, and training for a marathon, while also working more hours at your demanding job, you aren’t spending your time well, and you certainly aren’t measuring up. 

    When time is money, activities that are “unproductive and unprofitable” feel like a waste. Are rest, reflection and real connection a rebellion? Or are they time well spent? 

    In this Change SIG, inspired by Celeste Headlee’s book, Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving, we’ll examine the roles of productivity and efficiency in our approaches to time management, and consider how our conceptualization of time as both linear and a commodity influences how we use and evaluate time. 

    We'll discuss the value of our time, the ways we spend our time, and whether doing nothing well is worth our time.

    Jami Yazdani, Founder and Strategist, Yazdani Consulting
    As a Project and Leadership Strategist and Type-A personality, Jami Yazdani has spent much of her time striving to maximize efficiency and productivity, but recent experiments with “doing nothing” have made her at least 10% more content. Jami is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with more than a decade of experience managing complex projects and technology implementations, supporting the growth of staff and colleagues, and guiding (sometimes reluctant) groups of diverse colleagues and stakeholders towards change and positive outcomes. Jami founded Yazdani Consulting and Facilitation in 2018 to help people solve management problems, turning her passion for supporting the development of leaders at all levels and her experience leading projects, teams and trainings into a solutions-focused approach to project management consulting. 

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2021 speakers (July, August, October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 04/23/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Spiritual Intelligence in Coaching (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). NOTE: Come join Richard in developing his presentation for an ICF audience, as part of the Change SIG's offer to brainstorm/give feedback

    All of us have spiritual experience. Many of us engage in regular spiritual practices. How many of us have developed a spiritual intelligence that is reliable in a formal coaching setting, an intelligence we can depend on? How have we done it? Is there an empirical science of spirituality?

    Is the need for spiritual intelligence made more explicit in the ICF’s revised code of ethics and core competencies in effect from the beginning of 2021? How can spiritual intelligence inform our work around Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, the ICF-Raleigh Chapter theme for 2021?

    “Spiritual” is a living word with its own history, lacking a precise and consistent definition. As such, it can often provoke anxiety. How can we ease any underlying anxiety in our coaching performance?

    Our session will begin with a 15-20 minute presentation on ways we might look at this subject. Then we will move into small group discussion, encouraging participants to speak, listen and question each other in their own words. We will close in a group attempt to formulate a few powerful questions that we can carry forward into the future.

    Richard Kurth, Principal at Richard Kurth Consulting - Successful leadership is grounded in the ability to lead yourself in a positive direction while fully engaged in business, work, social, family, and personal relationships. If you won’t lead yourself, you won’t lead others. Here is his approach:

    "I am a coach by temperament, skill and profession. The cornerstone of my work is to mutually reveal your own native energies and ways of thinking …
    … then to clarify your goals and the skills and growth you need to achieve them …
    … then to identify what’s actually in the way of your moving forward ...
    … then to mutually establish practical and disciplined actions to get you where you want to go and help you stay there until the next challenge."

    "I want all my clients to live fulfilling lives of real achievement and to know what to do when they are struggling. My hope is that with time and effort my clients will be able to help others do the same."

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2021 speakers (June-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 03/26/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Feeding Your Brain for a Change - 2021 UPDATE
    (bring your own coffee/tea/snacks) 

    It has been a year since we last discussed feeding the brain for a change. 
    So . . . What’s up? What’s new? What have we all learned, experienced, and discovered?

    Your guides, resources gatherers, and presenters for the meeting will be: Mary Charles Blakebrough, Mindy SchragerFay Krapf, and Hope Hills, PhD.

    The presenters will share information and updates from some of the latest books, podcasts, research, resources regarding ways to nurture the brain and body to maintain and improve health and brain function.  There will be several new twists as there are major updates in brain nutrition and integrated health care. 

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2021 speakers (April-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 02/26/2021 4:51 PM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Advancing Your Career While Working Remotely
    8:30-10:30 (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks)

    We seem to be leaving one Paradigm as we enter another - with trepidation, uncertainty, and, for many, fear.

    • How do we discern ways we want or need to grow personally and professionally?
    • While working remotely, how do we enhance our careers and find opportunities to make a significant impact?
    • As we adapt: how do we help our clients also navigate the complexities and challenges we are all experiencing while working virtually?

    In this Change Sig, we will use the Spiral Dynamics model based on American University Professor Emeritus Clare W. Graves' work.

    • How can Spiral Dynamic concepts provide a map?
    • What are the levels of awareness and development, both on a personal and a collective level - including organizations?

    We will also explore how raising our consciousness:

    • Can help make a more meaningful impact on clients and create synchronicities that may also lead to more ideal clients.
    • Talks about the inner qualities and mindset that fosters greater self-trust and confidence in our instincts.
    • Allows for a more courageous and creative approach in interacting, experiencing, and impacting the world around us.  

    Through experiential exercises and group discussion, we will explore deeper dimensions of Trust.  Participants will gain a greater appreciation of the causal connection between our inner world, its reflections as well as impact on the outer world. We will explore how our inner journey plays an important role in healing the outer world.

     Peter Metzner, MA, MPA, PCC, BCC is president of Dynamic Change, Inc. In addition to Leadership and Team Coaching, Peter facilities seminars on Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence and Peak Performance. He incorporates guided visualization and dream work in many of his programs. Peter regularly facilitates seminars at UNC Chapel Hill and Duke University Medical Center.

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2021 speakers (April-October).

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 01/22/2021 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Starting the Year Curious, Aligned and (yes) On-Line
    (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks)

    Come join us for an interactive session on getting and staying curious about what’s possible on-line!  Whether you are on-line facilitating meetings, working with coaching clients, and/or building personal community, let’s cultivate more dynamism and success!  We’ll use our New Year professional and personal intentions as our springboard for exploring how to bring more energy and varied approaches to interacting in the ether. 

    Kristin will offer some spaces to experiment, tips, and resources.  Please bring your ideas and advice, too.  Together, let’s craft a more vibrant 2021 on-line.

    Kristin Bradley-Bull, founder of Roots to Canopy Consulting, is a consultant, coach, and convener.  She works largely in the social sector and learns and grows with her amazing clients and colleagues.  Consulting clients have ranged from the World Bank to grassroots, justice-oriented non-profits.  Kristin co-founded a youth training and leadership organization, the Young Women’s Project, and more recently coordinated a successful Durham political campaign. She was also on the public health education faculty full-time at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  These days, Kristin is getting lots of opportunity to experiment in the virtual world with her wonderfully diverse coaching and consulting clients.

    NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2021 speakers (April-October). For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

  • 12/04/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Big 2020 AH-HA for You? 20th Annual Tips & Tricks ZOOM Exchange (8:30-10:30 - Bring your own coffee/tea/snacks) 

    This is our annual SIG Holiday TIPS & TRICKS EXCHANGE. It is a joint Nov/Dec meeting and the agenda is one that we have had for 20 years. We gather to share something that has impacted us either professionally or personally during 2020. 

    You 'gift' us by sharing a book, a tip, a technique, a brain-friendly recipe, a picture, a poem, a great quote, or anything else that has inspired, pleased or touched you in the past year. If it has been surprisingly successful, that's even better.

    NOTE: 2020 Tips or Tricks will be shared with the group over ZOOM. For some Zoom clues:
     Getting Friendly with Zoom

    To enable our sharing in this virtual meeting, we've created a document in Google Slides here, where you can add links, pictures, or text on your own slide. NOTE: Be sure to add your contact information, as it's our way of exchanging business cards.

    We can then share these slides in the meeting, one by one, giving each person a few minutes to say something they are grateful for in 2020, and then explain their gift as we go around the virtual room. 

    At the end, we'll have a super cool artifact for ourselves and to share with anyone who couldn't be with us in real time.

    If you're new to Google Slides, it's just like PowerPoint, only simpler. Here are some instructions that will guide you through the process of creating a slide for your gift in the Gift Exchange document.  

    If this process creates a barrier to your participation, don't sweat it!

    • You can send your responses to Debbie on email at and she will create your slide for you
    • Or you can share your screen during the Change SIG and show us whatever you like as your gift.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573 or

  • 10/30/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    The Power of STORY...Where Relationships Begin
    (8:30-10:30 -- bring your own coffee/tea and snacks)

    What is the importance of story and storytelling in our lives?  Our time together will create its meaning as we share our stories in this facilitated discussion.  Take off your mask and bring your authentic self. Each of our lives has had a lot of twists, turns, ups and downs to get to here.  That circuitous journey has created stories to tell and equipped us to be more effective in our lives.

    Speaker Jim Folks says: "What I have always appreciated about this group is every time we are together, the desire to learn and the spirit and chemistry in the room always reveals something valuable that empowers me to move forward in my journey to fully becoming my authentic self.  Hopefully, that is true for you as well.  Plan to Zoom in and let’s do that together Friday, October 30, 2020 (FIFTH Friday in October)"

    In addition to being the Change SIG’s in-person coffee meister for years, Jim Folks has lived a lifetime of stories. He has run a car wash, a recreation center, been a Chicago Transit Authority bus driver, and went from route driver to VP of a major corporation. He resigned from the corporate world New Year’s Eve 1993, to open Positive Momentum, Inc., a personal development company dedicated to “Providing Pathways to Success.” 

    In 2005 Jim answered a call to the ministry after running from it for 35 years.  He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Master of Divinity from Hood Theological Seminary in 2009, served as a local pastor in The United Methodist Church (UMC) from 2005-2019. He retired from the UMC in 2019 and is currently enjoying the privilege of filling the pulpit for other pastors, volunteering, and other pursuits as they present themselves. He and his wife Rose have attended major storytelling festivals for many years, including the last life-giving one.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573).

  • 09/25/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Helping People Connect to Each Other & the World - Through Participatory Music Making 8:30-10:30 (Bring your own coffee & snacks)

    This will be our time in using percussion in learning timeless principles for modern society of living, working, and playing well together. BRING A PERCUSSION TOOL: maybe a drum, rattle, metal pot & spoon?

    Believing life is richer when we communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with one another and with the world around us, Greg Whitt will facilitate a program designed to creatively connect people in ways that are joyful, engaging, and good for us. This program is actually hands-on philosophy about how we can live, work, and play well together in community, only they're cleverly disguised as music, and they're delivered as interactive and engaging fun.

    Gregg Whitt, is a professional facilitator and award-winning edutainer and founder of DRUM FOR CHANGE, based here in Raleigh,NC. He leads programs in corporations, congregations, communities, and classrooms that are designed to creatively connect peopleThese programs highlight old world values that serve as positive examples for healthy, happy, and productive lifestyles for modern society.

    Greg is a past-president of the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild. He has been awarded three competitive arts grants for professional development: two to study music of the African diaspora in the Caribbean (Cuba 2011 and Belize 2015), and one for specialized equipment to work in healthcare settings (2018). Prior to launching D4C in 2009, he spent ten years working in event planning at NC State University and eight more in the US Air Force.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 08/28/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Motivational Interviewing - Helping People Change Through Caring Conversations 8:30-10:30 (bring your own coffee & snacks)

    Making a change can often be challenging. Whether that be making a lifestyle change to lose weight, quit smoking, becoming more active, or deciding to stay or leave a relationship, job, location. This session will look at the common problem of ambivalence and the types of conversations that facilitate change and the ones that don’t. Motivational Interviewing, a collaborative conversational style, has been proven to be effective in helping people change. You will have a chance to practice some of the elements that make this style helpful. Please bring a pad of paper.

    Teresa Donegan, PhDis a motivational interviewing trainer and consultant. Dr. Donegan has 32 years of teaching in graduate and undergraduate programs in psychology and health care. She started training/consulting in motivational interviewing in 2013, and since then has trained over 2,000 health/mental health care providers including nurses, social workers, chiropractors, and health/wellness coaches. She was recruited by BCBS of WNY to train all patient providers from 2013 to 2019. Throughout her tenure in academia, Dr. Donegan had many leadership roles in student health and wellness initiatives. She is on an evidenced-based practice research team for Ohio State’s Building Healthy Academic Communities. Their recent publication was titled Creating a culture of wellness: A call to action for higher education. 

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573).

  • 07/24/2020 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Radical Resilience: Cultivating Creativity in a Fractured World (aka OUT OF THE FRAME) (bring your own coffee & snacks) 
        Creativity resides at the edge of chaos. It’s right there at the edge, between the known and the unknown, where the greatest resilience happens, suspended betwixt the comfortable and uncomfortable. When life is seemingly falling apart, it’s also landing together. I say, let’s come out of the frame, together.

         Why? Because, when we fail to see our connection to one another and the systems that sustain us as a whole, we fall out of possibility with one another. Everything is connected. The sustaining link is creativity.

         Creativity helps us gently approach, bridge and reframe sensitive topics that are uncomfortable and important to explore.  You’re invited to learn to create through and with change rather than against it by tending creative perspective. Let’s come out of the frame, together.

         Annelies M Gentile, MA, PCC, is a speaker, author, Integrative Life and Leadership Coach with graduate studies in creativity, conflict transformation, peace building, and transformative leadership in Europe and the US.
         From Broadway to blacksmithing to divorce, death and Dubai, Annelies is no stranger to change. A thought leader with a presence-based approach to coaching— Annelies helps professionals navigate change, mindfully, creatively and successfully. Having traveled in 22 countries and 47 US states, Annelies discovered that most people want the same three things: to be heard, to feel safe, and to hold a sense of belonging. How we get there is what triggers conflict, separation and discord. She says "getting comfortable with what’s uncomfortable is important and matters to all of us."
         No matter whom she serves, Annelies believes the secret to success is compassion. Learn more about Annelies and her new book From Chaos to Calm :: Leading Change from the Inside Out at her website

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

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