TODN Bulletin Board

Members of TODN may post notices below that will be of interest to potential clients and/or to other members of the community.  Examples of appropriate events include special promotions, book or article publications, workshops, presentations, or special programs.

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  • 06/27/2014 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    Friday, June 27th - 8:30-10:30 AM
    Walking the Coach-Talk: Both at the Same Time?
    Please join us for an experiential presentation by Julie Mitchell, MA. Julie will share how she coaches while walking with her clients, how she got started, and ways we might incorporate movement into our coaching.
    Julie's expertise includes communication skills development, high stakes project management consulting, and advising leaders through change. An award-winning speaker and experienced educator, Julie also mentors entrepreneurs and coaches individuals seeking work/life balance or new paths at midlife.

    Julie Mitchell, MA started her business in 1986, partnered with her first executive coaching client in 1987, and launched “just-in-time” speech coaching services in 1994. She is a lifelong learner committed to walking her talk and helping clients step outside their comfort zones. Julie was a “walking meetings” pioneer, founding CoachWalks in 2002 to integrate coaching with her love of nature and walking outdoors.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough ( 919-493-5424).
  • 05/30/2014 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    Interpersonal Flexibility Circle: What is Next?

    Friday, May 30th - 8:30-10:30 AM

    Hope Hills will bring more about the Interpersonal Flexibility Circle (IFC), starting briefly with the basic tenets, she will show us how she uses it in coaching and consultation.  So think of some situations that you would like to work through in the group.  This could be a one to one relationship, or planning for a meeting!

    She will also discuss how she uses the IFC approach in her Lifeline process and show how the IFC approach actually EXPLAINS why some other theories work, as it is interactional, not just an assessment of one person.  Her instrument that looks at interpersonal flexibility for individuals, dyads, 360 processes, and teams, is now available in beta form.  She invites you to take it. (Sign up for it with your name and e-mail address.)

    She will be asking us for feedback about how to set up a successful certification program for the Circle and the Lifeline. Please think about (and maybe list with website addresses) the certification processes that YOU have attended that YOU liked the best. How were they organized? What was the support like after the process?

    Hope I. Hills, Ph.D., is the founder and president of Circle Consulting Group, LLC. A psychologist since 1986, and a Leadership and Organizational consultant since 1991, she brings a breadth and depth of experience to her work with leaders and their organizations. She has actually coached 24 CEOs/Presidents and many of their teams.

    Throughout her years as a psychologist, Hope has applied solid psychological theory to real life issues. Her work researching and utilizing the Interpersonal Circle is extensive and has created a solid, actionable model that she uses to help individuals, teams and organizations become more effective.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough ( 919-493-5424).

  • 03/28/2014 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    Friday, Mar 28 - 8:30-10:30 AM (near Streets at Southpoint mall in Durham)
    Is Action Research Old School OD?
    How does this venerable framework hold up in the age of emergent change? Across cultures?  If OD is shifting from a diagnostic to a dialogic model, is action research still relevant?

    Veteran  Triangle OD practitioner, David Kiel, now UNC Leadership Coordinator in the Center for Faculty Excellence, surveyed recent literature on OD for his forthcoming chapter in the forthcoming edition of the NTL OD Handbook. He talks bout how the framework of ACTION RESEARCH evolved as the backbone of OD practice in the 1960's and 1970's only to be stretched severely in the digital age of global OD, and now has assumed new shapes as OD itself morphs from diagnostic to dialogic approaches.

    Through a combination of  presentation, discussion, audience involvement, Q& A and small group work Participants will get
    • Get a review of action research concepts and applications
    • An outline of the history of OD and its connection to the concept of action research
    • A discussion of how diagnostic and dialogic approaches to OD share commonalities and are clearly different in concept
    • A survey of techniques utilized in the new OD, and a framework for the new action research
    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).
  • 02/28/2014 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    Friday, Feb 28 - 8:30-10:30 AM (near Streets at Southpoint mall in Durham)
    Leadership Model for High Performing Teams
         Mitch Owen will share the leadership model he uses with high performing teams, as well as some of his favorite exercises. Join us for an interactive session on what he finds works well

          Mitch Owen, Ed.D. serves as the Deputy Director for Organizational Development and Performance for the N.C. Department of Public Safety. He has been the CEO and Owner of Mitchen Leadership and Organizational Development since 1993. Mitch has provided leadership for personal and organizational development at NCSU and other large organizations.

        For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 01/24/2014 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    Friday, Jan 24 - 8:30-10:30 AM (near Streets at Southpoint mall in Durham)
    What Do Invitational Organizations Look Like?

         Invitational Leadership Theory
    can inform our understanding of the culture and organizations we live and work in. We will look at Foundations, Assumptions and Areas that must be understood and addressed for an invitational ethos to thrive.
         At the December Change SIG meeting, Dr. Townsend shared his research on this and we asked him to come back and tell us more.

         Dr. Tyler Townsend specializes in developing adult leaders within organizational settings from an educational perspective. "We are all learning, some more intentionally than others!" Raised in Virginia and re-planted in Raleigh, NC ten years ago, Tyler brings a wide variety of experience from churches, universities, retail, and family life, to inform his application of leader and organizational development.

        For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 09/24/2013 11:30 AM | Anonymous

    An Invitation to Co-Create Academic/Practitioner Partnerships in the Triangle

     Julie Mitchell will facilitate inquiry into how we may embrace multiple perspectives and leverage both "academic" and "practitioner" talent to advance best leadership and organizational development practices.

     The Research Triangle area is rich with universities, institutes and scholars grounded in organizational behavior theory and related academic disciplines. We are also home to corporations, start-ups and evolving, global organizations recognized for innovation.

    Universities, corporations, state government and other organizations seek expertise from consultants and coaches able to identify and integrate proven best practices while anticipating or responding to change. Increasingly, wise decision makers seek collaborative, "both/and" perspectives, instead of falling into traditional camps, i.e., choosing similarly trained "theoretically-grounded" or "real world experienced" experts.

     Julie Mitchell has successfully bridged the academic/practitioner divide since 1981. She will engage us in a conversation free from limiting assumptions about what various perspectives may bring to organizations and leadership development. We will explore how words create our world and how inclusive, collaborative language allows for identifying and celebrating common ground and goals.

    Date: September 24

    Time: 11:30 - 1:30

    Location: Quintiles Bradford Building
    5927 S. Miami Blvd
    Morrisville, NC 27560

    Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch.

    Please RSVP to

  • 08/05/2013 9:15 PM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    Friday, August 23 – 8:30-10:30 AM  (near Streets at South point mall in Durham, directions below)

    Making RIGHT TURNS as Part of a Change Initiative
    Theresa Raines will provide a “hands on experience” with a tool designed to increase awareness about change – from the external drivers of change to how change impacts organizations and individuals.  Come and discuss the power of using visuals, metaphors and symbolic language to increase buy-in and commitment for change.

    The Discovery Map incorporates maxims of change management rather than any one school of thought, e.g., Kotter or Bridges, but pulls from them. Discovery Mapping is intended to encourage reflection and spark dialogue to help secure buy-in for any change initiative (moving employees from general awareness to understanding and commitment).

    Theresa Raines is a Senior Account Executive at Paradigm Learning in Cary. Paradigm Learning  uses a unique blend of discovery learning techniques, including board games, simulations, maps, visuals, and small team activities. Their new, refreshing and powerful programs quickly captured a large audience of corporate fans and, years later, their story of innovation continues.

    To RSVP & Directions: 919-493-5424
  • 06/24/2013 1:20 PM | Anonymous

    “How could “improv” possibly relate to the field of Organizational Development?”  This was my question as I anticipated attending the Triangle OD Network’s January workshop Add FIZ to your MOJO:  Build Improvisation Skills for Increased Interaction.  Having attended this interactive workshop, lead by Greg Hohn of the Transactors Improv Company, and worked with multiple leaders and teams in their mission to build trust, improve collaboration, and innovate, the potential benefit of having an improv mindset is becoming clearer to me.  Some thoughts…

    What if we approached our work like improv actorsundefinedbasically, working without a script?  When we drop expectations of being in control, do we free ourselves to be more aware, to “be here now”?

    If we anticipated the unknown with the excitement of actors in an improv skit, rather than with fear, would we be better positioned to lead through the “change curve” and understand the true sources of opportunity and risk?

    Would the quality of our collaborations be better if we truly listened to othersundefinedrather than the script in our heads about what to say next?  Would our solutions be more innovative if we built on others’ ideas with an improviser’s “Yes, and…” rather than quelching the discussion process with “No, but…”?

    If you are thinking “yes” to these questions like I am, perhaps it’s time to add improv skills to our professional “mojo”!

    June Mullaney Mader

    April 2, 2013

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