Change SIG - 1/27/2023

01/27/2023 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

TODN Change SIG: 1/27/22 - Creative Consensus in Decision Making - Martie Weatherly

(8:30-10:30 - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks). 

Creative consensus is the best way to achieve high commitment decisions, in complex situations that require creative thinking and have 100% commitment to implement the decision. It is a process of discovery to combine the wisdom of the group for the best possible decision for the whole group at that time.

Martie will introduce us to this form of decision making, will review what consensus is and is not, and the three main skills that are needed. We will have a chance to role play making a decision together using this model.

  • When is consensus the right type of decision making for this issue and this group?
  • What is the most important belief that everyone must bring into the room for consensus to work?
  • What is the value of dissent in a consensus discussion

Martie Weatherly  

Martie Weatherly has been a life and consensus coach for over 20 years.  Her passions are health, well-being, vitality, and community. Recently retired after 20 years as a hospital supervisor, Martie is focusing on sharing the magic of consensus in moving from a You vs. Me World to a We World.

She is now bringing her knowledge to groups who want high quality decisions with increased trust, faster execution, and higher commitment. Since becoming a founding member of Liberty Village Cohousing, she has successfully used consensus and facilitation to help build their community to where it is today.

NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a ROTATING BASIS:
     -- Review the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
     -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
     -- Do a 45-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

     -- Many thanks to ______ who will be our January 27th Zoom Host!

NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2023 speakers (March-October).

For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

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