Change SIG - 6/24/2022

06/24/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

Getting Back to Basics for 'New Normal' Leadership Development of Soft Skills  (bring your own coffee/tea and snacks, 8:30-10:30 AM). 

For the last three years, leaders in organizations have been trying to simply survive . . . keeping their families together, their teams together, productively getting work done in a remote and virtual world and most importantly keeping themselves on the right track.  All of this “survival energy” has left little room for professional and leadership development.

Now that the world has emerged with a “new normal,” it is time for organizations and their leaders to go back to leadership basics.  What does this mean? It means to go back to looking at the skills that leaders need to move ahead.  Specifically, “soft skills”
-- Some Examples of Soft Skills.

The above examples list is by no means exhaustive, it is simply the tip of the iceberg.  Today’s leaders are hungry for these basic skills to get them to maximize their productivity and effectiveness.

The program is designed to be interactive, as we go back to basics and discuss what tools those attending have used, over the years in their practices, to help leaders develop and enhance their leadership soft skills. We will have several volunteers do short presentations (4 minutes each) on their favorite tools. Then, we will break into smaller groups to discuss what was presented.  The goal of these break-out groups will be to explore and discuss how these tools could be used to help today’s current leaders individually, within their teams, or with their customers. We look forward to rich discussion and take-aways that we can all use in our individual practices and beyond.

Vickie Bevenour, MBA, PCC
-- President and Founder of The RDW Group, Inc. "Results Derived From Within"
   - "You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself." These encouraging words from Galileo inspired and motivated her to form her own practice to begin developing her professional legacy.
   - RDW - Results Derived from Within. The name is an apt definition of her coaching style; as a Leadership Strategist, she believes that all individuals have unique gifts which they are able to leverage to achieve the incredible! The RDW Group provides Business Coaching to successful professionals who want to make a move from good performance to excellent results.
-- Author of Unleashing Your Inner Leader: Executive Coach Tells All presents the premise that there is a powerful leader inside each of us. The focus is on real life exercises and case studies to help you discover, release, and leverage your inner leader: to reach heights in your career that you never thought possible. It is often very difficult for leaders to see their own greatness, unlock it, and use it in a practical way to get results. Be the spark that ignites your team, and steer your own development toward becoming an impactful leader with Unleashing Your Inner Leader.

NOTE 1: The Change SIG is now SEARCHING for several Zoom-comfortable people to join a group producing our programs on a ROTATING BASIS:
     -- Update the Google Drive agenda used to manage the programs and insert handout(s), if any
     -- Handle 4th Friday Zoom details 8:15-10:45 AM Eastern
     -- Do a 45-minute tech check 4th (or 5th)  Monday or Tuesday, with speaker(s) & Mary Charles

     -- NOW, Who can do June 24th? 
NOTE: We are experimenting this month with me Zoom hosting and others timing and Chat watching. Join the meeting to see how it works out. Feedback welcome.

NOTE 2: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2023 speakers (Feb-Oct).

For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour.

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