TODN Bulletin Board

Members of TODN may post notices below that will be of interest to potential clients and/or to other members of the community.  Examples of appropriate events include special promotions, book or article publications, workshops, presentations, or special programs.

  • 01/27/2017 7:26 PM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Feeding Your Brain for a Change - UPDATE

    It has been a year since we last discussed feeding the brain for a change.  So - What’s up. What’s new. What have we all learned, experienced, and discovered.

    The original four presenters will share information and updates from some of the latest books, podcasts, research, resources regarding ways to nurture the brain and body to maintain and improve health and brain function.  And we look forward to hearing updates regarding your own brain health experiences. 

    In addition, if you have stirred up any brain healthy snacks and treats, please bring them to share at the meeting, along with a recipe handouts (enough for 20 people); and you could also include on your handout some information about resources you have found valuable.  Your guides, resources gatherers, and presenters for the meeting will be the core four:  Mary Charles Blakebrough, Fay Krapf, Hope Hills PhD, and Marguerite Lawn.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 01/27/2017 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Exploring Your Missions for 2017, Large & Small

    Vision” is a great word to get us thinking about what we see for our “next”, but how does our vision shape our reality? Utilizing the cultural impetus of the new calendar year to jumpstart participant’s reflective planning, Dr. Tyler Townsend will facilitate a program of mind-bender continuums, peer learning/coaching, and process challenges that foster personal and organizational health.

     Tyler Townsend holds a doctorate in adult education from NC State University, and thrives on connecting theory to practice across many fields. Fields like psychology, education, and spirituality are particularly close to home for Tyler, and they underpin his perspective in group facilitation. With an atypical resume that includes stay-at-home-dad, organizational strategy consultant, coach, chaplain, pastor, computer tech, mechanic and carpenter; you can expect some atypical answers to “what next…?” and “what about…?”

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 12/02/2016 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    What Was a Big 2016 AH-HA for You? Annual Tips & Tricks Exchange
    This is our annual SIG Holiday TIPS & TRICKS EXCHANGE (Joint Nov/Dec meeting)  The agenda is one that we have had for sixteen years. We gather to share something that has impacted us either professionally or personally during the year.

    ---  You can share your tip or trick with the group by telling us about it and/or making copies for everyone. We've found this to be one of our best programs - always full of surprises and a real GIFT to all of us!

    ---  We ask that you bring a book, a tip, a technique, a brain-friendly recipe, a picture, a poem, a great quote, or anything else that has inspired, pleased or touched you in the past year. If it has been surprisingly successful that's even better.

    NOTE: Join us for 2nd Annual Post-SIG lunch at Bocci's (5850 Fayetteville Road -- about a mile away) to celebrate all that we have learned/done in 2016.

    *** For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 10/28/2016 11:29 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Facilitative Leadership: 7 Practices for Involving and Empowering Others

    Chris Williams of Interaction Associates will walk us through the 7 practice areas of Facilitative Leadership, a learning experience used to transform managers into leaders who bring out the best in others when, despite heroic efforts, they encounter roadblocks, lack of cooperation, and unforeseen delays. The content is organized around Seven Practices for involving and empowering others. A “practice” is a repeated action or behavior that leads one to proficiency and high performance

    Chris William's experience includes work in operations, recruiting, and complex research. He has supported senior-level executives in a variety of industries including economic development, government contracting, and strategy consulting.  Chris holds a BA in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Masters in Public Administration (MPA) from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. He has done pro bono work with The Interaction Institute for Social Change, Rose F. Kennedy Greenway Conservancy, Habitat for Humanity Boston

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 09/30/2016 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Fierce Conversations - "What gets talked about in organizations determines what happens"
    "A fierce conversation is one in which we come out from behind ourselves, into the conversation, and make it real" - Susan Scott, Author, Fierce Conversations, A Wall Street Journal Best Seller
    When you think of a Fierce Conversation . . . think passion, integrity, authenticity, and collaboration. Think Leadership -- It is easier to give answers than to ask good questions, yet that is not the most effective way to grow talent and build ownership. People support a world they help create.

    Learn to have conversations that:

    • Help people think for themselves and identify their own solutions
    • Allow people to share their ideas and "truths" with confidence
    • Find a way to say what needs to be said for change to occur
    Molly Breazeale is the owner of AlignED, LLC. She brings 25+ years of facilitative and consulting experience to the field of leaders development and organization effectiveness. She is a Master Facilitator for Fierce, Inc., facilitating their courses since 2006. Formerly she was AVP, Learning and Development at Nationwide Insurance, the Global Talent Developer for ING Financial Services, and the Director of Product Design and Delivery for Dale Carnegie Training.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 08/26/2016 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Discovering Where Our Beliefs Come From: 'The Lifeline'
    The lifeline idea is simple: put all the key events from your life on a timeline from birth to the present.  But to help executives and other leaders discover hidden realities that are continuing to create difficulties in their lives many years later I needed to structure the exercise to connect to their current leadership.  The structure that I will share with you connects with the needs of organizations to recognize the 3-5 key leadership challenges the person faces (that they have faced in many forms for many years).  These most frequently connect with 360 reports and interviews, which empower the person to see the importance of discovering  the reason that, despite being a bright person, able to lead people, they cannot seem to recognize the core of their leadership conundrums.

    Almost every time I do a Lifeline, we discover the reason that the person made the decision at some point to take care of themselves in a way that WORKED FOR THEM when they chose that approach, but now, many years later, is causing many problems with the people in their life.  Once they see this clearly, it is so much more simple and honorable to make changes.

    I look forward to sharing this model that I have used since 1984, when I first shaped it to use with women in the Medium-Maximum Security Prison in Goochland, VA.

    Hope Hills, PhD, of Circle Consulting Grouphas successfully engaged in helping C-suite executives and High Potential Leaders and their teams become measurably more successful since 1991, when she joined Farr Associates, in Greensboro.  She started her own consulting business, Circle Consulting Group, LLC in 1998. She has coached over 24 CEOs and owners in Fortune 50-100, Non-profit, and Family businesses.

    She has led a number of non-profits and taught in three Doctoral programs in Counseling Psychology: Universities of Missouri, Wisconsin and Marquette.  At Missouri, she founded the Multicultural Counseling Program and International Students’ Organization. One of her Korean students (1990) recently asked her to come to Korea to speak. That resulted in a trip to S. Korea and China this past October.  Her last teaching “gig” was in the MBA program at Marquette University teaching Organizational Behavior.

    On a personal level, Hope has had 9 foster children and adopted one of them. She plays the cello and has been married to a symphony French Horn Player for 18 years (after meeting on!!)  She was the president of the Durham Symphony and is a published author.  She and Dave live in Durham with their cat, Snickers, and dog, Lexi.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 07/22/2016 12:26 PM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Prime Your Body and Mind for Habit Change
    At any given time we, or someone we know is trying to lose weight. For some it is a stubborn few pounds, for others it is much more and has been a lifelong struggle. Scientific research about gut microbiomes are beginning to demonstrate that obesity or overeating is not an individual's fault, as sugar is an addictive substance and has found its way into many commercially-prepared foods. Experts say solving obesity requires a biochemical shift.

    Andrea Laine will introduce us to The Prime, a step-by-step pathway to a biochemical shift in the digestive system. The result is spontaneous weight loss while priming your body for better health and your brain for habit change. The Prime was developed by Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D. an integrative (Ayurveda) neurologist and author of a book by the same name. She was recently interviewed on NPR by the People’s Pharmacy.

    About the facilitator:  As a certified Habit Change Coach, Andrea Laine has been trained by Dr. Chaudhary to support members of The PrimeClub. By July 22 she will have completed The Prime herself. Andrea, founder of Laine Leadership Associates, also coaches individuals new to leadership roles in the non-profit sector.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 06/24/2016 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Be a Winner: Strategies for Career Success

    Whether your goal is to start, change or advance your career you can't win if you don't understand how the game is played.  Linda Conklin will show you how to be a winner in the rapidly changing world of work.

    In the world of career games, whether internally or externally, you really need to understand the rules of the game. Learn to be a star player, leverage your talents and standout in a highly competitive market.

    Linda Conklin is a Career Coach and founder of Careers by Design, focusing on career management and career transition. She is an accomplished presenter and writer and her advice has been featured in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and the Harvard Business Review. She is the author of Career Coach: Getting the Right Job, Right Now!

    Throughout her career, Linda has held various positions as coach, manager, and consultant. Until recently she was manager of Alumni Career Services for the University of North Carolina's General Alumni Association, where she successfully coached thousands of alumni, from recent graduates to senior executives.

    Linda holds a BS degree in Business from the State University of New York, a M.Ed. in Training and Development from North Carolina State University, and earned her coach certification from the International Coach Federation.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 05/27/2016 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Labels are a Sticky Business

    Julie Mitchell, CoachWalksSM founder, will give a recently re-invented presentation that has "stuck" with her since 1991, when she created it for her corporate client, Avery Dennison.  Labels obscure the truth and point to the truth. We will explore how the words we use (labels) to categorize or describe others may help, hurt, include or exclude. We'll reflect upon the limits of narrow labels and the potential when we look beyond them!

    About the facilitator: Julie Mitchell's clients and colleagues describe her as an effective communication champion, transitional pathfinder, integrative thinker, walking meetings pioneer, speaker, listener, learner, teacher, catalyst, consultant and "more than a coach." She's also a part-time professional musician and an occasional blogger. Unflattering labels have been applied to Julie, too! Always curious about what's next, Julie is on a creative, meandering life path where sometimes she's grounded and other times she's stuck in the muck.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 04/22/2016 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Co-creating an Appreciative Space for Change

    Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a positive, strength-based methodology that seeks to discover the best in people and organizations.  At the core of AI, the principle of Social Construction drives the process for compelling change.  Our words and our interactions are fateful.  We create reality together through our language, stories and relationships.

    During this session, we will dive deeper into this principle and invite conversation regarding how we impact organizational change through dialogue, reframing, and valuing ways to ignite positive change.  We will intersect AI and the work of Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements and demonstrate how our ability to shift perspective and show up is pivotal to change initiatives.

    Recommended pre-reading:  The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    Mary Beth Schappe is the Founder of The Appreciative Lens, LLC. She has over 20 years experience as a training and organizational development professional. Mary Beth has extensive experience in providing consulting services to corporate and non-profit clients, focusing on achieving collaborative, thriving work environments.  Her focus is leadership-coaching, team development, and change initiatives.

    Allen Keitz, ICF Coach, is the Founder of Keitz & Associates.  He is an award winning and nationally recognized manager and sales leader.  He has worked in the public, private, and educational sectors.  Allen focuses on developing talent and leadership within individuals and transforming cultures to create environments that support appreciative values, leadership, and a growth mindset in organizations.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

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