TODN Bulletin Board

Members of TODN may post notices below that will be of interest to potential clients and/or to other members of the community.  Examples of appropriate events include special promotions, book or article publications, workshops, presentations, or special programs.

  • 09/26/2018 10:51 AM | Anonymous

    Some of you heard me talk about the Shift Positive approach to narrative 360s in a session on effective feedback last spring.  The last training for the year is taking place in Philadelphia at the end of October. for a discussion of the shift positive approach.  to register for the 2-day training.  

    When you take the 2-day training, you get everything you need to conduct these 360s.  You can earn back the cost of the course with a 360 for one client, and then there are no additional charges per future engagement.

    Interested?  You need to register by October 1.  Message me for a coupon for $250 off.


  • 08/24/2018 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Using Organizational Surveys to Drive Change
    This month will be a bit different! Dr. Kyle Lundby has created a survey just for the August 24th Change SIG and we are inviting all members & friends of TODN to participate in this "State of Engagement Survey." It will collect data on engagement at an organization you have experienced as a prelude to making changes. A report will be generated after the SIG meeting & distributed to all.
    Kyle Lundby, PhDPrincipal, Global Aspect Human Capital Advisors, uses a mix of employee engagement and culture surveys to provide the data to then help leaders drive organizational change. He also does post-survey 1:1 coaching to help individuals prioritize and develop specific actions for change. To make it a little more fun and engaging, he has set up a “State of Engagement Survey” for TODN members/friends to complete prior to the August 24th Change SIG meeting. He will share some of the results to highlight how he leverages survey data to promote change.
    We are inviting anyone who is a member or friend of TODN to take the survey. A summary report of the results will be available to all after the Change SIG meeting.
    To participate in the State of Engagement Survey, you can click on the link below (or copy and paste into your web browser). 
    NOTE – This survey is confidential. We are not asking for names, and no individuals will be identified. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you have questions or technical difficulties, please contact Dr. Lundby at

    For more information on the Change SIG, contact the leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573,

  • 07/27/2018 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
    The Artist as Leader: How Renowned Artists Lead in Turbulent Times
    In these uncertain times, alternative leadership strategies are needed to achieve useful, inclusive progress. The generative arts world provides a fresh perspective for enhancing prosperity in today’s environment. When issues such as “innovation, disruption, creativity, and design thinking are already inherent in a system (i.e. the arts), what does it look like to lead change in that world, and what can we learn from it?

    Over the past two years, Rob Kramer (presenter), in partnership with the Kenan Institute for the Arts, has been conducting a series of interviews with famous artists to explore this question.  In this conversation, we will discuss how successful artists such as T Bone Burnett (musician and producer), Jane Chu (NEA Chairperson), Krista Vernoff (Executive Producer of TV’s Grey’s Anatomy), Vivian Howard (chef and James Beard award winner), and Susan Jaffe (former principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre and “quintessential ballerina of the 20th century”) use the creative process to develop and achieve leadership success. This fascinating discussion will provide unique insight into how successful and creative people lead today.  Published interviews can be seen here:

    For more information on the Change SIG, contact the leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573,

  • 06/29/2018 1:33 PM | Deleted user

    We invite you to join our upcoming workshop on 7/26/18! The Business Imperative of Kindness of Equity in the Workplace.

    Check out our EVENT LINK!

    What is the role of kindness and equity in the context of today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment? Incorporating kindness and equity into your business and people practices is not easy, but we believe it is increasingly necessary for organizations to maintain a competitive edge and survive in today’s world. We will share our definition for kindness and equity within a business context and provide practical examples for building a kind and equitable workplace that has a direct impact on business productivity and innovation. You'll leave with specific actions you can take to build an organization that is kind, equitable, AND profitable. 

    Our speakers are partners at Paradox Consulting Partners. The Paradox team includes MBAs, PhDs, and other advanced degrees in organizational psychology, business, and human resources. They share many decades of national consulting experience to successful organizations including Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies. 

  • 06/29/2018 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Designing Your Life: Apply Design Thinking Tools
    Come learn how to apply the tools of design thinking to build toward a life you love. Based on the book "Designing Your Life" by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. An ongoing question many of us face is "What am I going to be when I grow up?" It is asked by those from high school to retirement. One of the tools proposed by these two outstanding Stanford University professors is to think like a designer, meaning to skip thinking your way forward but instead building your way forward, prototype by prototype. 

    Dr. Leigh Shamblin's background includes 20+ years of global leadership experience in education, international development, technology, and healthcare. Her current teaching, practice and scholarship focus areas include: leadership, design thinking, innovation, executive education, business/life coaching, change management, evaluation/assessment and sustainability. Leigh is currently a professor of practice at NC State University.  

    For more information on the Change SIG, contact the leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573,

  • 05/25/2018 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    I Didn’t Sign On for This: Dealing With Constant Change in the Workplace
    Won’t it stop?! Today’s increasing pace of change can create a personal and work life that mirrors the experience of standing on the baseline at a tennis court and having your opponent fire balls from a tennis cannon at you. This type of change seems constant; before you can assimilate one change another comes along. The phenomenon has become known as “Repetitive Change Syndrome (RCS).” 

    Moving through change, and especially leading in times of change, takes time and energy; it’s extremely stressful. In this program, Mike will lead us through an interactive, lighthearted, and fast-paced session on one of these:

     -- How to recognize the change effects on you and the organization
     -- Why we resist change and how to lower resistance
     -- How to more easily embrace and work within the change
     -- How to use practical time and management strategies to better deal with the stress of change.
     -- How to move on to the new reality

    Change isn’t going to slow down; if anything, it’s going to speed up. Accepting and addressing change isn’t complicated it’s just hard; this program makes it simpler.

    --  Mike Collins has presented, “I Didn’t Sign On for This!” for a wide range of corporations, associations and government agencies. He is president of The Perfect Workday Company and author of The Perfect Workday Book.
    -- For more information on the Change SIG, contact the leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573).
  • 04/27/2018 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Last month's CALL FOR SPEAKERS for 2018 Change SIG programs resulted in speakers for April, May, June, and Oct. Nov/Dec will be annual Gifts Program 12/7. If you are interested in presenting July 27, Aug 24, Sept 28 let us know. THX!

    Conversational Intelligence® and the Neuroscience of Conversation
    In every aspect of our lives, our ability to connect—to be in relationship—is vital to our well-being. Building quality relationships means establishing a foundation of trust and safety, courageously exploring ideas openly and honestly, genuinely seeking to understand and grow with others. As coaches and consultants we know that the ability to build relationships starts with emotional intelligence, and the only way to put that intelligence to work is through conversation.

    Conversational Intelligence® is a coaching and consulting framework developed by Judith E. Glaser, and based upon a growing body of neuroscience research. We are now able to understand much more about what’s really going on in our brains during conversation. We become aware of the power of words to trigger positive or negative responses, and Judith has provided us with a wealth of conversational skills, tools, and rituals for us and for our clients to become better, more competent communicators.

    At this Change SIG, Carol Brainard will give you a brief introduction to the C-IQ framework and the neuroscience of conversation, introduce you to some of the C-IQ essential skills, and lead you in activities that will enable you to experience the value of C-IQ tools.

    Carol Brainard is an executive coach and OD change consultant who specializes in trust- and relationship-building skills for senior leaders and their teams. She is a Conversational Intelligence® Certified Coach, having been a member of the first cohort of the Core and Enhanced programs in 2016.

    For more information on the Change SIG, contact the leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 03/23/2018 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Image result for free irish icons This month we are also putting out a CALL FOR SPEAKERS for Change SIG programs this year, all on 4th Friday's 8:30-10:30 AM except June (4/27, 5/25, 6/29 [5th Fri], 7/27, 8/24, 9/28, 10/26). Nov/Dec will be annual Gifts Program 12/7.

    How Going with the FLOW Can Lead to Enhanced Leadership Performance 
    Flow was initially designed to promote the enrichment and happiness of individuals. A large body of research has shown that maintaining a Flow-promoting workplace is a win-win proposition for owners, managers, as well as for the workforce, irrespective of whether the organization is a business, government agency, or non-profit.

    The “Leadership and Flow” research is based on the lifetime work of Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihályi who has contributed pioneering work to the field of Positive Psychology (a fun trick to remember his name is “Me high? Cheeks send me high!”).

    In recent years, the concept has been extended to organizational performance improvement and leadership development. The study and application of Flow theory has become a comprehensive research program and a global network of academic and corporate partners.

    ​In partnership with Csikszentmihályi, Zsadány​ (Zad) Vecsey​, a fellow economist​ , developed a ​global-award-winning serious management game called FLIGBY.

    The mission of the game FLIGBY is to identify, measure, and help develop leadership skills that, if applied, would help create a Flow-promoting work environment.  

    Susan Hasty will present what she's learned about Flow and how she uses FLOW theory​ and FLIGBY in her work to ​ help leadership teams understand how they can design their infrastructure to enable peak performance. 

    We'll explore ways you can incorporate Flow into your life and FLIGBY into your practice working with organizations.  

    Susan has completed the Flow Fundamentals course offered by The Flow Genome Project and is a certified partner of ALEAS Simulations, Inc., the developers of FLIGBY.

    For more information about the Change SIG, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 02/23/2018 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Feeding Your Brain for a Change - 2018 UPDATE

    It has been a year since we last discussed feeding the brain for a change.  So . . . What’s up? What’s new? What have we all learned, experienced, and discovered?

    The five presenters will share information and updates from some of the latest books, podcasts, research, resources regarding ways to nurture the brain and body to maintain and improve health and brain function.  A new twist will be about social media's impact on the brain. 

    In addition, if you have stirred up any brain healthy snacks and treats, please bring them to share at the meeting, along with a recipe handouts (enough for 20 people); and you could also include on your handout some information about resources you have found valuable.  

    Your guides, resources gatherers, and presenters for the meeting will be: Fay Krapf, Hope Hills, Marguerite Lawn, Mary Charles Blakebrough and Mindy Schrager.

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

  • 01/26/2018 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

    Create Your Offer with Authentic, Clutter-Free Communication
    How do you talk or write about your work? All of us, no matter how much success or experience we've accumulated, can be better at communication.

    Julie Mitchell, CoachWalks® founder, will guide us on a path to clear, compelling messages about who we are and what we do.

    • Explore your true voice, so interactions reflect your gifts and talents.
    • Free yourself from verbal weeds, over-used words, anxiety, and other pitfalls to connection with those who need your help.

    This program is open to all, including consultants, coaches and creative solopreneurs who want to show up at their best.

    About the facilitator:

    Julie Mitchell, MA, has devoted her career to teaching and learning integrated, effective communication skills. She is humbled by her work, as mutual understanding may be "simple," but it isn't easy! She supports clients' curiosity, courage and confidence as they find their voices, discover opportunities, and navigate change. She's also a part-time musician and an occasional blogger. 

    For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).

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