Change SIG - 07/28/2017

07/28/2017 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

Telling Stories: Enhancing Connections and Delivering Optimal Messages
It's well known that even before the written word, storytelling was the preeminent method of conveying historical information of all types from one generation to another.  To this day, storytelling continues to be one of most effective means for communicating thoughts, ideas, emotions and connecting people with the storyteller and each other. In this session, we will explore the key elements of effective storytelling and how you can begin to construct stories that will enhance your connection with others and most optimally deliver your professional and personal (P&P) messages. 

As a Business Consultant and Executive Coach with extensive senior management experience, Fred Cooley is adept at building strong leaders who in turn create strong organizations.  He is known for leveraging relationship building, communication and executive management skills to assist clients in getting what they really want in their professional and personal lives.  Having worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 35 years in various leadership roles, he is well-equipped to understand the challenges of today's leaders.

Fred holds the designation of a Distinguished Toastmaster, which is the highest level of recognition in the Toastmasters organization. He enjoys volunteer work in the areas of hospice care and providing music enrichment for nursing homes. In his spare time, he relishes playing the piano, reading, and hiking.

For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).