Change SIG - 09/29/2017 New Date (FIFTH Friday)

09/29/2017 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

Emotional DNA: How Our Families Influence the Way We Show Up at Work

For years, we have discussed how we inherit our physical DNA and now the world of Systemics and Epigenetics is highlighting how we also inherit and are deeply, yet unconsciously influenced by our emotional DNA. Learn abut the dynamics and hidden patterns (concepts) in Family and Organizational Constellations/Dynamics and see how our families influence the way we show up in our work world (we really do bring our families to work with us). You will ask yourself the following questions, hear some examples, and discuss opportunities for creating change within yourself, your families, and your organizations.
Questions to consider:

  • What is your sense of how you "fit" in your family and organization/business?
  • Do you know exactly where you belong in your family? Describe how do you feel about your place at work?
  • Do you have a similar role in your family of origin and in your organizati (i.e. caregiver)? Or are they different and how?
Mindy Schrager,  is a transformational coach, consultant, and Founder of Systems of Change, LLC. She brings the knowledge of change management and transformation from her leadership roles at world class companies such as Motorola, Fidelity Investments, and IBM. She has worked with hundreds of cross-organizational teams and built new programs and processes to improve quality and operational effectiveness, and enhance collaboration in product delivery, and mergers/acquisitions, among other big impact changes. 

Mindy has enhanced her focus and corporate skills through personal growth work in Life Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Shadow Work, Family Constellations, Organizational Dynamics, Voice Dialogue, Somatic Repatterning, Barrett Values, HDBI and Lab Profile Assessments. 

She has discovered that change within ourselves, and inside organizational work teams, allows us to uncover and then solve systemic problems which keep us individually and collaboratively from growing and flourishing.

For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).