Change SIG - 8/26/2016

08/26/2016 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)

Discovering Where Our Beliefs Come From: 'The Lifeline'
The lifeline idea is simple: put all the key events from your life on a timeline from birth to the present.  But to help executives and other leaders discover hidden realities that are continuing to create difficulties in their lives many years later I needed to structure the exercise to connect to their current leadership.  The structure that I will share with you connects with the needs of organizations to recognize the 3-5 key leadership challenges the person faces (that they have faced in many forms for many years).  These most frequently connect with 360 reports and interviews, which empower the person to see the importance of discovering  the reason that, despite being a bright person, able to lead people, they cannot seem to recognize the core of their leadership conundrums.

Almost every time I do a Lifeline, we discover the reason that the person made the decision at some point to take care of themselves in a way that WORKED FOR THEM when they chose that approach, but now, many years later, is causing many problems with the people in their life.  Once they see this clearly, it is so much more simple and honorable to make changes.

I look forward to sharing this model that I have used since 1984, when I first shaped it to use with women in the Medium-Maximum Security Prison in Goochland, VA.

Hope Hills, PhD, of Circle Consulting Grouphas successfully engaged in helping C-suite executives and High Potential Leaders and their teams become measurably more successful since 1991, when she joined Farr Associates, in Greensboro.  She started her own consulting business, Circle Consulting Group, LLC in 1998. She has coached over 24 CEOs and owners in Fortune 50-100, Non-profit, and Family businesses.

She has led a number of non-profits and taught in three Doctoral programs in Counseling Psychology: Universities of Missouri, Wisconsin and Marquette.  At Missouri, she founded the Multicultural Counseling Program and International Students’ Organization. One of her Korean students (1990) recently asked her to come to Korea to speak. That resulted in a trip to S. Korea and China this past October.  Her last teaching “gig” was in the MBA program at Marquette University teaching Organizational Behavior.

On a personal level, Hope has had 9 foster children and adopted one of them. She plays the cello and has been married to a symphony French Horn Player for 18 years (after meeting on!!)  She was the president of the Durham Symphony and is a published author.  She and Dave live in Durham with their cat, Snickers, and dog, Lexi.

For more information, contact SIG leaders, Vickie Bevenour  or Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-493-5424).