Change SIG - 1/28/2021

01/28/2022 8:30 AM | Mary Charles Blakebrough (Administrator)
Becoming a Change Superhero: Using a Transcendent Mindset to Make Big Change in a Single Bound
(8:30-10:30 - bring your own coffee/tea and snacks).

Change is the name of this SIG and the essence of the game of life.  While change is normal and unavoidable, we often experience it when we have a major problem or experience a crisis.  We credit change with impacting our lives, redirecting our careers, and stimulating our personal development. 

  • What if we believed change to be more than the result of a problem or crisis? 
  • What if change was conceptualized as a tool that we use to realize our dreams and build our futures? 

In this presentation, Susan Westbrook will engage the group in a conversation about three change mindsets and the potential benefits a transcendent mindset can bring individuals, relationships, and organizations.


Susan L. Westbrook, PCC, Ph.D. spent 3 decades in education before moving her focus to healing, coaching, and writing.  She is the author of The Five Tibetans Yoga Workshop: Tone Your Body and Transform Your Life (Findhorn Press 2014).  Her current manuscript, Who’s Coaching Michelangelo?: Inspiring a Creator’s Mindset in Your World-Shaping Clients, will be book-ready in 2022.

Susan’s number one agenda is to influence creators, game-changers, and world-shifters by helping them transcend their circumstances and move boldly toward their dreams.  She knows that for action-oriented big thinkers, the greatest "problem" is finding allies who will take them seriously and stop advising them to be more realistic.

Big dreams require big containers of support and creative partnership. That is what Susan offers her clients, workshop participants, and readers.

Susan’s journey as a teacher, researcher, coach, healer, and author, have helped her learn three important lessons:

    1. It's all made up, and I am the one making it up.
    2. Attachments are under almost every action, belief, and emotion.
    3. I create my own reality.

Learning those lessons has allowed Susan to transcend the “must's, should's, and have to's,” avoid the “perpetual transformation” trap, and create a life that moves her toward her dreams. She currently fancies herself a “quick change” artist. Knowing that “things” don’t have to take time…people take time when they are reluctant to listen to their truest inner voices and step boldly toward their dreams.

·      What if it really is all made up? 
·      What if you really can and do create your reality?
·      What would you dare to dream to create?

NOTE: Do you have an idea to polish or a presentation to try out? The Change SIG is looking for 2022 speakers.

For more information, contact SIG leaders, Mary Charles Blakebrough (919-656-9573) or Vickie Bevenour